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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

When the author submitted a research, it should not be published or will be published in another scientific journal. As well as the research should be focuses on the subject under study without theoretical introductions, extensions, or unnecessary additions. The author is satisfied with referring to the references that dealt with that when necessary.


  1. The title should reflect the problem of the study, and its words should not exceed 14 words.
  2. Author's names should be written in both Arabic and English, their current job titles, academic ranks, Affiliations, and official emails, if any, are mentioned
  3. The hierarchy of authors and their roles must be correctly written (Main Author, Co-authors, and Corresponding Author).
  4. The main and sub titles should be written in (Arabic, English or French) in addition to one of the two languages (Arabic, English) within your search to split parts of the search according to their importance and the logical sequence of the main headings: Title, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Content, Search Results, conclusion, references.

THE ABSTRACT:  should include the objective, summary of the work, conclusion. The author (s) should write the abstract in a clear, comprehensive, practical manner, and the research results should be expressed in a scientific way.

 THE KEYWORDS: should be mentioned after the abstract in the languages of the article, it should express the field of the article.

 THE INTRODUCTION:  you should try to explain the importance of the study you choose. Then the problem to be solved must be described; why the situation is considered relevant and why it is important to resolve it. Then, the solution should be described, what was done to solve the problem, describing the rules that used.

THE CONCLUSION: should conclude the findings, recommendations, and proposals for future studies in the same field.

 THE REFERENCES:  at the end of the article. Must be diverse, reliable and preferably including new studies. It must be written in English and Arabic, according to the Chicago style, and numbered with Roman sequence.

Chicago style, explained in detail in the following websites: Chicago style explanation, 1 Chicago style explanation,2

FOOTNOTES:  are mentioned at the end, taking into account its sequence in the article.

 MANUSCRIPT: should not exceed 30 pages, all inclusive (including cover page, abstract, text, references, tables, figures), presented in Microsoft Office Word, on page size: A4 (21 cm, 29.7 cm), line and paragraph spacing will be 1.5, the margins of page be Normal (Top: 2.54 Bottom: 2:54 Right:3.18 Left: 3.18). The manuscript is subject to evaluation by peer reviewers, and the author(s) makes the suggested revisions that the reviewers see as necessary. If the author(s) is not satisfied with some points, they may be answered on a separate paper. The manuscript will be rejected if the two peer reviews find a low-quality manuscript or reject it because substantial amendments are needed. If the manuscript is accepted and the suggested revisions are made, then the author(s) should submit one corrected copy – Microsoft Word and upload it on the journal’s website. The author(s) will pay the fees of the publication. The author(s) should be provided with a sealed paper confirming the publication acceptance.

PLAGIARISM: checked with professional software Turnitin. If any fraud is proven to circumvent plagiarism, the author (s) involved will be prohibited from publishing in the journal.


- An article may not be published in another scientific journal after its acceptance without written acceptance from the editorial board.

-  The author (s) are obligated to pay reviewing charges even if the article is not accepted.

-  The original manuscript doesn't returned after approval by the editorial board

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Have you read the instructions for authors
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration
  • The submission includes the author's name, affiliations and contact information in a correct format and sequence
  • References will be in "Chicago" style. and mentioned at the end of the article, in (Times New Roman) font, size 12
  • Have you cited sources appropriately?

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.