دور القضاء الدولي في تطوير المبادئ القانونية المتعلقة بجريمة الإبادة الجماعية (محكمة العدل الدولية إنموذجا)
الابدة الجماعية, جريمةAbstract
We had, in this research, the role of international justice in the development of the legal principles relating to the crime of Genocide (ICJ model), where divided by the two sections: the first, outlining the concept of the crime of genocide and the role of international justice in the detection of customary nature of the rules contained in the Genocide Convention.
The second section, in which we have considered the role of international justice in revealing the nature of the rules of jus Genocide Convention and the development of the concept of the duty to prevent and punish them.
In conclusion we mentioned the most important conclusions we reached in this regard, and some of the necessary recommendations in this area.
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