Constitutional conformity between the provisions of the Income Tax Law No. 113 of 1982, amended and the constitutional principles and rights
supervision system, constitutional rules, Income TaxAbstract
The idea of congruence with constitutionality is based on the extent to which the minimum laws comply with the supreme constitution, because the latter contains constitutional principles and rules that have been established in the legal conscience of the nation and gained the satisfaction of the people.
Based on the foregoing, ordinary laws derive their force and legitimate legitimacy from the extent of their commitment to the provisions of the Constitution and any violation must be amended the law contrary to the constitutional principles by canceling or abstain from application according to the regulatory system in force in this country or that. This is a natural case if we say that the laws of the situation of human beings known as many wrong, it is important how long the length of the long must be the work of legislative shortages and shortcomings. Therefore, the focus of our research is to investigate the extent to which the Iraqi Income Tax Law No. 113 of 1982, amended by the Constitution, is in compliance with the provisions of the Constitution. We find that the ordinary legislator violated the principle of tax law by allowing parties other than the legislature to intervene in tax matters by imposing, collecting, modifying and exempting. As well as the violation of the principle of equality and the right of movement and other constitutional provisions.
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