دور القضاء الدولي في تطوير إلزامية مبادئ القانون الدولي الانساني (محكمة العدل الدولية إنموذجا)
القضاء الد, ليAbstract
We had, in this research, the role of international justice in the mandatory principles of international humanitarian law development (ICJ model), where divided by the two sections: the first, outlining the direction of the international character of the judiciary on the Convention and the principles of customary international humanitarian law.
The second section, which handled the position of international justice in the peremptory norms of international humanitarian law of nature.
In conclusion we dealt with the most important conclusions we reached in this regard, and some of the necessary recommendations in this area.
أ ـ الكتب:
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ب ـ البحوث والرسائل الجامعية:
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ج- الوثائق:
1- اتفاقية منع جريمة الابادة الجماعية والمعاقبة عليها لعام 1948.
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ثانياً: باللغة الإنكليزية:
أ ـ الكتب والابحاث:
1- Robert Y. Jennings, The International Court of Justice after Fifty
Years, A.J.I.L., Vol.89, No.3, July 1995.
ب ـ الوثائق والتقارير:
1- I.C.J. Reports, Corfu Channel, Assessment of the Amount of Compensation, Judgment of 15 December 1949.
2- I.C.J. Reports, Case Concerning the Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company Limited, Second Phase, Judgment of 5 February 1970.
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