Legal certainty through clarity and easy access to the law


  • مازن ليلو راضي, أ.د. The Council of State



legal certainty, clarity, access, legal basis


The basis of legal clarity is contrary to the idea of natural justice, it is fair and fair that the law is clear and easy to understand, and this principle is today one of the most important elements of legal certainty through which the legislation is sought and the individuals are assured of their rights and subject to the obligations incumbent upon them , Clarity is achieved by paying attention to the issue of legal drafting and assigning it to specialists, with the aim of achieving the application of the rule of law and good governance and enacting well-developed and sophisticated legislation, in harmony with the Constitution  and not  in contradiction  with other laws , and  a concept  in the general public and workable.


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اولا: الكتب والمؤلفات
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ثالثا: المصادر باللغة الفرنسية
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How to Cite

راضي مازن ليلو. 2019. “Legal Certainty through Clarity and Easy Access to the Law”. Journal of Legal Sciences 34 (1): 1-35.

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