The Civil liability of tobacco companies for smoking damage
Liability, compensation, Smoking, tobacco companies, Iraqi legislationAbstract
Tobacco products of all kinds are harmful to public health, so legislation has paid great attention to regulating the process of tobacco production and distribution, whether at the level of national or international legislation, in a way that achieves legal protection for these products, so the establishment of civil liability for tobacco companies as a result of harm to the smoker The positive and the negative provoked a jurisprudential dispute due to the specificity of the work of these companies, and the jurisprudence differed in the legal nature of tobacco companies ’liability between contractual and tort liability in a way that enables the injured smoker to obtain his right to compensation.
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II. Loi no 91-32 du 10 janvier 1991 relative à la lutte contre le tabagisme et l'alcoolisme .
III. Code de la santé publique 16/4/2018.
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