The Privacy of the Insurance Contract for Self-Driving Cars

A Comparative Study


  • dr. Lubna Abdul Hussein Easa Al-Saeedi Imam Ja'afar Al-Sadiq University - College of Law



Autonomous Cars, Artificial Intelligence, Delegated Cars, Insurance Industry


Developments in self-driving car technology have already begun to disrupt car manufacturing and insurance considerations. Likewise, new questions have arisen, especially if we know that their damage may be technical, so the technological error may also need to be considered with driver error, so these phenomena began to spark ideas. New information about who bears the risk, how insurance takes place, and the extent to which personal data is compromised when viewed by insurance companies.


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2025-03-12 — Updated on 2023-01-04


How to Cite

Al-Saeedi, Lubna Abdul Hussein Easa Al-Saeedi. (2022) 2023. “The Privacy of the Insurance Contract for Self-Driving Cars: A Comparative Study”. Journal of Legal Sciences 37 (2): 304-39.

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