The Development of the Concept of Defect in Accordance with the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods for the Year 1980
Defect Guarantee, Commitment to Conformity, Hidden Defect, Delivery Commitment, Modern ConceptAbstract
The Vienna Convention 1980 developed the concept of a defect that necessitates the warranty in a way that is compatible with the requirements of international trade, as it attached it to the obligation of conformity. The agreement also developed the penalties resulting from the existence of the defect, as it imposed on the seller that he is obligated to ensure that his goods conform to the provisions of the contract, as well as that they must be usable. For the purposes for which the goods are used, if the goods are not in conformity, then the seller is in breach of his obligation to conform, as he has delivered defective goods.
الكتب العربية
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الرسائل والاطاريح
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الكتب الأجنبية
i. Alastair Mullis , Examination and Notice requirements concerning the conformity of the goods , the CISG ; A new textbook for student and practitioners (sellier 2007)
ii. Honnold (John O.) " Uniform Law for International Sales under the 1980 United Nation Convention " Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers , Deventer , Boston , 3rd Edition ,1999
iii. Sale of goods , act 1979

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