هذه نسخة قديمة منشورة في 24-12-2022. إقرأ النسخة الأحدث.

عوارض التقادم الجزائي

دراسة مقارنة


  • م.م. دريد وليد نزال جامعة بغداد - كلية القانون



الكلمات المفتاحية:

عوارض، التقادم الجزائي، بدء، وقف، انقطاع، الدعوى الجزائية، الجريمة، الجزاء، سريان


التقادم الجزائي فكرة قانونية نجد تطبيقاتها في معظم القوانين، مفادها مضي مدة زمنية على وقوع الجريمة ويسمى حينها بتقادم الدعوى الجزائية او الجريمة، أو مضي مدة زمنية على صدور حكم بات في الدعوى الجزائية ويسمى بتقادم العقوبة، ومن شأن مضي المدة المقررة انقضاء الدعوى الجزائية في الحالة الأولى، وسقوط العقوبة المحكوم بها في الحالة الثانية. وقد وجد هذا النظام منذ القدم في تشريعات الدول بمختلف أنظمتها القانونية والسياسية لما لهُ من اعتبارات عملية أهمها تحقيق الاستقرار القانوني الذي تنشدهُ جميع الأنظمة القانونية. غير أن التشريع الجنائي العراقي لم يأخذ بهذا النظام كمبدأ او قاعدة عامة واقتصر على بعض التطبيقات في القوانين الجزائية الخاصة، غير انه لم يبن الاحكام الخاصة بعوارض التقادم من وقف وانقطاع وما يترتب عليها من اثار المتمثلة بزوال المدة الماضية وبدء احتسابها من جديد – انقطاع-، او يترتب عليها مجرد وقوف سريان المدة لحين زوالها فنكون امام -وقف التقادم-.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: General and legal books

i. Dr. Ibrahim Hamed Tantawi, 1996, Penal Prescription and its Effect on Ending the Case and Falling the Punishment, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

ii. Dr. Ahmed Fathi Sorour, 1996, Mediator in the Criminal Procedure Law, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya.

iii. Dr. Ashraf Tawfiq Shams El-Din, 2012, Explanation of the Criminal Procedure Law, Part 1, Faculty of Law, University of Benha.

iv. Iyad Khalaf Muhammad Juwaid, 2011, Cases in the Criminal Case, 1st Edition, Al-Sanhoury Library, Baghdad.

v. Dr.. Baraa Munther Kamal Abdul Latif, 2009, Explanation of the Law of Criminal Procedure, 2nd Edition, Dar Ibn Al-Atheer for Printing and Publishing, University of Mosul.

vi. Dr. Jamal Ibrahim Abdel-Hussein, 2011, The Penal Order and its Applications, 1st Edition, Al-Halabi Al-huquqia Publications, Beirut.

vii. Dr. Hassan Sadiq Al-Marsafawi, 1972, The Origins of Criminal Procedures, Maarif facility in Alexandria.

viii. Dr. Khaled Abdel Hamid Farraj, 1967, Comparative Studies between Islamic Sharia and Criminal Law - Legitimacy of Crimes and Punishments -, 1st Edition, Dar Al Maaref, Cairo.

ix. Dr.. Ramses Bahnam, 1971, The General Theory of Criminal Law, Alexandria Knowledge Foundation.

x. Zain al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ibn Abd al-Qadir al-Hanafi al-Razi, Mukhtar al-Sahah, investigation: Youssef al-Sheikh Muhammad, 1999, 5th edition, Al-Mataba al-Asriya, Beirut.

xi. Dr. Sami Al-Nasrawi, 1976, A Study of Criminal Procedures, Part 1, Dar Al-Salaam Press, Baghdad.

xii. Dr. Saeed Hasaballah, 1990, Explanation of the Criminal Procedure Law, Dar Al-Hikma for Printing and Publishing, Mosul.

xiii. Dr. Sameh El-Sayed Gad, Prescription of Criminal Cases in Islamic Jurisprudence and Positive Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law, University of Al-Azhar, without a year of publication.

xiv. Dr. Suleiman Barsh, 2007, Explanation of the Algerian Criminal Procedure Law, Part 1, Dar Al-Huda, Algeria.

xv. Dr. Suleiman Abdel Moneim, 2003, An in-depth study of the Penal Law, The New Road, Beirut.

xvi. Dr. Abdel-Tawab Moawad Al-Shorbagy, 1998, The Basis of Obsolescence - A Comparative Study, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

xvii. Dr. Abdel-Fattah Mustafa Al-Saifi, 1974, The General Theory of the Criminal Procedural Rule, Beirut Arab University.

xviii. Dr. Abdel-Fattah Mustafa Al-Saifi, 1971, The State’s Right to Punishment - Its Origin, Requirement, and Expiration - Beirut Arab University.

xix. Abd al-Qadir Odeh, Islamic criminal legislation compared to positive law, part 1, Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, without a year of publication.

xx. Dr. Ali Hussein Al-Khalaf and Dr. Sultan Al-Shawi, 1982, General Principles in the Penal Law, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Press.

xxi. Dr. Ali Kahlout, 2010, Commentary on the Law of Criminal Procedure, Publications of the Al-Atrash Complex for Specialized Books, Tunis.

xxii. Dr. Fakhri Abd al-Razzaq Salbi al-Hadithi, 2016, Explanation of the Law of Criminal Procedure, 1st Edition, Dar al-Sanhouri, Baghdad.

xxiii. Dr. Fakhri Abd al-Razzaq Salbi al-Hadithi, 2017, Explanation of the Penal Law, General Section, Dar al-Sanhouri, Baghdad.

xxiv. Dr. Fawzia Abdel Sattar, 1986, Explanation of the Criminal Procedure Law, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

xxv. Dr. Mamoun Muhammad Salama, 2000, Criminal Procedures in Egyptian Legislation, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

xxvi. Dr. Maher Abd Shawish Al-Durra, 1990, General Provisions in the Penal Law, Press of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

xxvii. Dr. Mahmoud Mahmoud Mustafa, 1957, Explanation of the Criminal Procedure Law, 5th edition, Cairo University Press.

xxviii. Jundi Abd al-Malik, 1941, The Criminal Encyclopedia, Part 4.

xxix. Dr. Mahmoud Najib Hosni, 1998, Explanation of the Law of Criminal Procedure, 3rd Edition, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

xxx. Dr. Mahmoud Najib Hosni, 1982, Explanation of the Penal Law - General Section, Fifth Edition, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

xxxi. Dr. Yasser Al-amir Farouk, 2010, Prescription of Punishment in Contemporary Criminal Jurisprudence,1st Edition, Dar Al-Jame' Al-jaded, Alexandria.

Second: Research and University These

i. Haider Ghazi Faisal Al-Rubaie, 2012, Guarantees of the Accused in the Stage of Arrest - A Comparative Study, Research published in the Journal of Law, College of Law, Al-Mustansiriya University, Volume 4, Issue 16-17.

ii. Sassi Tariq and Siddiqui Abdel Zohair, 2013, Penal Limitations, Master's Thesis, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Abdel Rahman Mira University - Bejaia.

iii. Sarkot Taha Rasoul, Penal Prescription in Iraqi and Comparative Law, Promotion Research, submitted to the Judicial Council in the Kurdistan Region.

iv. Sabah Misbah Al-Sulaiman, 1998, Theory of Jurisdiction in Criminal Procedure Law - A Comparative Study, Master's Thesis submitted to the College of Law - University of Mosul.

v. Abdel Karim Brahmi, 2014, Theory of Prescription and its Applications in Criminal Legislation - A Comparative Study between Islamic Jurisprudence and Algerian Penal Legislation, Master Thesis, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, El Wadi University.

vi. Dr. Ali Hamza Assal, 2015, Elementary Investigation, research published in the Journal of Human Sciences issued by the College of Education - Safi al-Din al-Hilli, University of Babylon, Volume 1, Number 22.

vii. Dr. Karim Salman Aswad Al-Tamimi, 2015, The Concept of Prescription in the Iraqi Juvenile Welfare Law, research published in the Journal of Law for Legal Studies and Research, College of Law, University of Dhi Qar, No. 11.

viii. Muhammad bin Khalid bin Muhammad Al-Nuzha, 2003, The Prescription of Criminal Cases in the Saudi System in the Light of Islamic Jurisprudence and Positive Law, Master’s Thesis, Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, Riyadh.

ix. Muhammad Awad Al-Ahwal, 1964, Expiry of the Power of Punishment by Prescription, PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, Cairo University.

x. Nawar Daham Matar Al-Zubaidi, 1992, The Expiry of the Criminal Case by Prescription, Master's Thesis, College of Law, University of Baghdad.

Third: Legislation

i. Lebanese Penal Law No. 340 of 1943 as amended.

ii. Syrian Penal Law No. 148 of 1949.

iii. Syrian Law of Criminal Procedure No. 112 of 1950.

iv. Egyptian Law of Criminal Procedure No. 150 of 1950.

v. The French Law of Criminal Procedure of 1958.

vi. Kuwaiti Penal Law No. 16 of 1960.

vii. Kuwaiti Criminal Procedures and Trials Law No. 17 of 1960.

viii. Jordanian Penal Law No. 16 of 1960.

ix. Jordanian Law of Criminal Procedure No. 9 of 1961.

x. Tunisian Law of Criminal Procedure No. 23 of 1968, as amended.

xi. Iraqi Publications Law No. 206 of 1968.

xii. Iraqi Penal Law No. 111 of 1969.

xiii. Iraqi Criminal Procedure Law No. 23 of 1971.

xiv. Iraqi Juvenile Care Law No. 76 of 1983.

xv. Iraqi Customs Law No. 23 of 1984.





كيفية الاقتباس

نزال دريد. 2022. "عوارض التقادم الجزائي : دراسة مقارنة". مجلة العلوم القانونية 37 (2): 639-739. https://jols.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/jols/article/view/566.

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