تعويضات التعويل على العقد في القانون الإنكليزي دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بالقانون المدني العراقي


  • أستاذ مساعد دكتور يونس صلاح الدين علي جامعة جيهان الخاصة - كلية القانون والعلاقات الدولية والدبلوماسية



الكلمات المفتاحية:

تعويضات التعويل، نفقات ما قبل التعاقد، الطرف المتضرر، خسارة المنفعة


تعد تعويضات التعويل على العقد نوعاً من أنواع التعويضات المترتبة على الإخلال بالعقد, والتي تدخل ضمن نطاق معالجات قانون الأحكام العام الإنكليزي للضرر والخسارة التي تلحق بالطرف غير المخل بالتزامه التعاقدي, وهي معالجات نقدية خلافاً للمعالجات الإنصافية كالتنفيذ العيني والأمر القضائي ذات الطبيعة العينية. ويُكرس هذا البحث لدراسة مفهوم تعويضات التعويل في القانون الإنكليزي وحالاتها والمبادىء التي تقوم عليها وكيفية قيام المحكمة بتقديرها, ومقارنتها بموقف القانون المدني العراقي رقم (40) لسنة 1951 الذي أخذ بمفهوم التعويض عن الخسارة اللاحقة والكسب الفائت. وتكمن مشكلة البحث في دراسة هذا النوع من أنواع التعويضات التي لم يتضمنها القانون المدني العراقي, ولا سيما تعويضات التعويل على العقد قبل إنعقاده, ومحاولة إقتراح بعض التوصيات ذات الصلة للمشرع العراقي, لتلافي القصور الناتج عن عدم تنظيم بعض أنواع التعويضات, وإقتراح تنظيم قانوني لها. 


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: The Sources are in Arabic.

A. Legal Books

i. Al-Saadawi, Ahmed Salman Shahib, Sumaisem, Jawad Kazem Jawad. 2017. Sources of Commitment: A Comparative Study of Civil Cairo and Islamic Jurisprudence. Second Edition. Manshorat Zain Al-Hokokia. Beirut.

ii. Sultan, Anwar. 1996. Brief in Sources of Commitment. Mansha't Al-Ma'arf in Alexandria.

iii. Malka, Edmund S. 1954. An Explanation of English Law in Parts by Parts. 1st edition. Masr Press is an Egyptian joint stock company.

iv. Al-Khatib, Hassan Abdel-Ghani, 2012. Public Law, Manshorat Zain Al-Hokokia, Beirut.

v. Hammad, shield. 2016. The General Theory of Commitments. section One. North sources. Maktabat Al-Sanhouri. Beirut.

vi. Abu Al-Saud, Ramadan Muhammad. 2005. Sources of Commitment. Dar Al-Jame'a Al-Jaded For Publishing, Alexandria.

vii. Al-Sanhouri, Abdul-Razzaq Ahmed. 2004. The mediator in explaining the civil law. part One. in general. North sources. Contract - illegal work - enrichment without the cause of the law. Mansha't Al-Ma'arf in Alexandria.

viii. Termanini, Abdel Salam. 1982. Comparative Law. Old Legal Curricula. Kuwait University Publications. Second Edition.

ix. Hakim, Abdul Majeed. 1963. Brief Explanation of Civil Law. The first part is in the north. With comparison to Islamic jurisprudence. Al-Ahlia Printing and Publishing Company. Baghdad.

x. Hakim, Abdul Majeed. 1967. Contract and Comparison Theory in Contract and Comparison Theory in Islamic Jurisprudence and Iraqi Civil Law. The first part of the contract. Al-Ahlia Printing and Publishing Company. Baghdad.

xi. Hakim, Abdul Majeed. And Al-Bakri, Abdel-Baqi and Al-Bashir, Muhammad Taha. 1980. Al-Wajeez in Theory of Iraqi Civil Law. part One. North sources. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Baghdad.

xii. Al-Sarhan, Adnan Ibrahim and Khater, Nouri Hamad. 2009. Civil Law Explanation Sources of Personal Rights. A comparative study. Dar Al-Thakafa for Publishing and Distribution Amman.

xiii. Bakr, Esmat Abdel-Maguid. 2011. Allen General Commitments. part One. North sources. First Edition. Al-Thakera for Publishing and Distribution. Baghdad.

xiv. Bakr, Esmat Abdel-Maguid. 2015. The Century in Arab Civil Laws. Dar Al-kutub Al-ilmea, Beirut.

xv. Al-Anbaki, Majeed Hamid. 2001. Principles of Contract in English Law. Al-Nahrain University.

xvi. Al-Fadl, Munther. 2006. The mediator in explaining the civil law. A comparative study between Islamic jurisprudence and general Arabic and foreign rules, supported by the opinions of jurisprudence and judicial rulings. Manshorat Aras, Erbil.

B. Researches.

i. Fadel, Shorouq Abbas. 2017. The penalty clause in the leasing financing contract. Journal of Legal Sciences, Volume 32. First Issue. See online link: https://www.iasj.net/iasj/download/53a0080e15783454

ii. Ali, Younes Salah El-Din. 2022. The contract for providing catering services in the English law, an analytical study compared to the Iraqi civil law. Journal of Legal Sciences, Volume 37. The first issue. Electronic link: https://www.iasj.net/iasj/download/5ed3815143342ebc

C. Laws

i. Iraqi Civil Law No. (40) of 1951.

Second: The Sources are in English.

A. Books.

i. Atiyah .P.S. and Smith, Stephen A. 2005.Atiyah's Introduction to the Law of Contract. Sixth Edition. Clarendon Press. Oxford.

ii. Brian H. Bix. 2012.Contract Law. Rules, Theory and Context. Cambridge University Press.

iii. Elliott, Catherine & Quinn, Frances. 2015.Contract law. Tenth Edition. Longman. Pearson Education Limited.

iv. Okrent, Cathy J.. 2015, Torts and personal injury law, Fifth Edition, DELMAR,.

v. Peel, Edwin and Treitel, G. H.. 2010, Treitel on The law of contract, Twelfth Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, Thomson Reuters,.

vi. Mckendrick, Ewan. 2005. Contract Law. Sixth Edition. Palgrave Macmillan.

vii. Mckendrick, Ewan. 2012. Contract Law Text Cases and Materials. Fifth Edition. Oxford University Press.

viii. Beatson, Jack. Andrew Burrows and John Cartwright. 2010. Anson's Law of Contract. 29th Edition. Oxford University Press.

ix. Poole, Jill. 2016. Casebook on Contract Law. Thirteenth Edition. Oxford University Press.

x. Cartwright, John. 2013. Contract Law: An Introduction to the English Law of Contract for the Civil Lawyer. Second Edition. Hart Publishing Ltd,

xi. Wilman, John. Brown: 2005, GCSE Law. Ninth Edition. Thomson Sweet & Maxwell,

xii. Furmston, Michael. 2012. Cheshire. Fifoot & Furmston's Law of Contract. Sixteenth Edition. Oxford University Press.

xiii. Wishart, Mindy-chen. 2012. contract law. Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press,

xiv. Andrews, Neil, 2011 . Contract Law, First Edition, Cambridge University Press.

xv. Tepper, Pamela. 2012. The Law of Contract and the Uniform Commercial Code. DELMAR. Cengage learning.

xvi. Richards, Paul. 1999. Law of Contract. Fourth Edition. Financial Times, Pitman Publishing.

xvii. Richards, Paul. 2017. Law of Contract. Thirteenth Edition. Pearson Education Limited.

xviii. Stone, Richard. 2011. The Modern Law of Contract. Ninth Edition. Routledge, Taylor&Francis group.

xix. Stone, Richard and Devenney, James. 2015. The modern law of contract. Eleventh Edition. Routledge, Taylor&Francis group. London.

xx. Duxbury, Robert, 2001. Nutshells contract Law. Fifth Edition, Sweet and Maxwell.

xxi. Halson, Rojer. 2013. Contract Law. Second Edition. Pearson Education Limited.

xxii. Sir Treitel, Guenter. 2003. The Law of Contract. Eleventh Edition. Sweet & Maxwell. Thomson Reuters.

xxiii. Fafinski, Stefan and Finch, Emily. 2010. Contract Law. Second Edition. Pearson Education Limited.

Second: Laws

- The English Common Law.

Third: Internet websites

i. https://www.lawteacher.net/cases/watts-v-morrow.php

ii. https://lawprof.co/contract/remedies-for-breach-cases/anglia-television-v-reed-1972-1-qb-60 /

iii. https://www.lawteacher.net/cases/cullinane-v-british-rema-manufacturing.php

iv. https://www.lawteacher.net/cases/c-p-haulage-v-middleton.php

v. https://www.lawteacher.net/cases/mcrae-v-commonwealth-disposals.php







كيفية الاقتباس

علي يونس. 2023. "تعويضات التعويل على العقد في القانون الإنكليزي دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بالقانون المدني العراقي". مجلة العلوم القانونية 38 (1): 338-69. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v38i1.608.

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