الفساد الإداري في الأنظمة المعاصرة ودور التنظيم الإداري الإسلامي في مكافحته


  • أستاذ مساعد دكتور سرمد رياض عبد الهادي وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي – جهاز الاشراف والتقويم العلمي



الكلمات المفتاحية:

الشريعة الإسلامية، ، الفساد الإداري، القيادات الإدارية، الرقابة الادارية


الفساد الإداري مفهوم يشمل استغلال السلطة الموكلة للمنفعة الشخصية، أصبح مشكلة معاصرة بارزة تؤثر في جميع الأنظمة الحكومية عبر العالم. وهو يتضمن الضرر الواسع النطاق والتأثير السلبي على التقدم والتنمية، ويعد تهديدًا على المستوى الدولي لأنه يعرقل البرامج الإنمائية ويقوض مصالح الجمهور. الفساد الإداري يهدد الحكومات الحديثة، يشوه السياسات العامة، يسبب الضعف في نظام الرقابة، ويؤثر في توزيع الموارد.

تعتبر الشريعة الإسلامية رائدة في تشخيص هذا النوع من المشكلات، حيث تقدم حلولاً واضحة للقضاء على الفساد الإداري, إذ توصي الشريعة الإسلامية بتطبيق الرقابة كاستراتيجية أساسية لتصحيح إجراءات الإدارة وتحقيق العدل والمساواة. كما تنصح بتعيين القادة الأخلاقيين القويين، الذين يعتبرون قدوة حسنة، في الأدوار المناسبة، حيث سيكونون أداة فعالة للحد من الفساد الإداري.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: The Holy Quran.

Second: The Honorable Sunnah of the Prophet.

Third: Arabic Dictionaries:

i. Vocabulary in Gharib Al-Qur’an: Hussein Al-Isfahani: Edited by Muhammad Sayed Kilani, Dar Al-Maarifa, Beirut, Lebanon.

ii. The crown of the language and the soundness of Arabic by Ismail bin Hammad Al-Jawahiry - Beirut - 4th edition - 2000.

iii. Lisan al-Arab by Ibn Manzoor.

iv. Mukhtar Al-Sahih by Muhammad Abi Bakr Al-Razi.

Fourth: General Books:

i. bin Abdulaziz, Ibn Abd al-Salam Izz al-Din, 2001, The Great Rules - Investigated by: Dr. Naziha Kamal Jamal and Dr. Othman Juma - 2nd Edition - Dar Al-Qalam Publishing.

ii. Al-Bayhaqi, Abu Ahmed Ibn al-Hassan Ali, & Al-Bayhaqi, Sunan, 1994, The Book of Etiquette of the Judge - Chapter: Sinning, then Fatwa or Deciding by Ignorance - Part 1 - Investigation: Muhammad Abdul Qadir Atta - Dar Al-Baz - Makkah Al-Mukarramah.

iii. Al-Mawardi, Abu Al-Hassan Ali, Sultanate rulings and religious states - 2nd edition - Al-Babi Al-Halabi Press.

iv. Dirana, Akram Raslan, 1979, Governance and Administration in Peace - A Comparative Analytical Study - Dar Al Shorouk – Jeddah.

v. Sharif, Chancellor Omar, 1970, Principles of Administrative Law and Administrative Systems - Faculty of Law - Al-Azhar University.

vi. Al-Jundi, Anwar, 1994, Muslim Youth - Its Issues and Problems - Cairo - Dar Al-Sahwa for Publishing and Distribution.

vii. Al Sheikh, Hussein bin Abdul Aziz, 1426AH, Judicial principles in Islamic law and the judicial system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is linked to it.

viii. Al-Shata, Al-Sayed Ali, 1999, Administrative Corruption and the Future Complex - 1st Edition - Al-Ishaa Technical Library - Alexandria.

ix. Hassan, Ibrahim Hassan, History of Islam - Dar Al-Jabal, Beirut and Al-Nahda Al-Masrya Library - Cairo - Part 2.

x. Abdel-Hadi, Hamdi Amin, Islamic and Comparative Administrative Thought - Dar Al-Hamami Publishing House - Cairo - 1st Edition.

xi. Al-Zaher, Khaled Khalil, 2005, provisions for disciplining employees in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (analytical study) - Institute of Public Administration - Research Center - Riyadh - Saudi Arabia.

xii. Abduh, Ali Abd al-Majid, 1963, Scientific Principles of Management and Organization - Progress Press - Cairo - 3rd Edition.

xiii. Al-Nadi, Fouad, - The Principle of Legitimacy and the Controls of the State's Subordination to Law in Islamic Jurisprudence - 2nd Edition.

xiv. Al-Qutb, Muhammad, 1398 AH, Management System in Peace - Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi.

xv. Al-Waqidi, Saad, 2002, Al-Tabaqat Al-Kabeer - Part 7 - Section Two.

xvi. Suleiman Bin Muhammad - Administrative Corruption and Crimes of Abuse of Functional Authority.

xvii. Shaykh al-Islam (Ibn Taymiyyah) - Islamic politics - Dar al-Ma'rifah.

xviii. Al-Khatib, Abdul Karim, 1993, Caliphate and Imamate - Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi - Cairo - 1st edition.

xix. Ahmed, Fouad Abdel Moneim, 2002, the principle of equality in Islam - a search from the constitutional aspect with comparison to modern democracy - the modern Arab office - Egypt.

xx. Al-Shawkani, Muhammad, & Al-Awtar, Neil, explaining Muntaqa Al-Akhbar from the hadiths of Sayed Al-Akhbar by Imam Abd al-Salam Khader Ibn Taymiyyah - Edition of the Presidency of the Departments of Scientific Research, Ifta, Call and Guidance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Part 9.

xxi. Yaghi, Mohamed Abdel Fattah, 1995, Ethics in Administration - The National Library.

xxii. Al-Bahooti, Mansour bin Younis, 1394AH, Scouting the mask on the content of abstinence - Part 6 - Makkah Al-Mukarramah.

Fifth: Research and Journals:

i. Al-Zuhaili, Wahba Mustafa, 2003, Defining corruption and its images from the legal point of view - a research participant in the Arab International Conference on Fighting Corruption - Riyadh.

ii. Al-Sanhouri, Abd al-Razzaq, an article in the Journal of the Bar Association - Damascus, issue between 6 and 7 - the first year.

iii. Bawada, Jamal, 2002, The Campaign Against Corruption and Corruption from an Islamic Perspective - Al-Bayader Al-Siyasi Magazine - Issue 3, 8 - Year 22.

iv. Al-Qudah, Adam Noah, 2003, Towards an Islamic theory to combat administrative corruption - a research participant in the Arab International Conference on Fighting Corruption - Riyadh.

v. Al-Badi, Muhammad Muhammad, 1993, the status of public relations and its role in the fourth administrative revolution - Administration Magazine - Union of Administrative Development Associations - first issue.

vi. Paper of the General Secretariat, 1995, on anti-corruption measures within the United Nations Conference on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders - Cairo.

vii. Al-Youssef, Youssef, 2003, Journal of Social Sciences - Issue 2 - Kuwait - 2002 - Volume 30.

Sixth: Websites:

i. Faris Hamid Abdel Karim - Law and Justice - an article published on the Danish News website in Arabic - www. iraker. dk.

ii. Judge Ismail bin Ibrahim bin Yahya Al-Tayeb - Legal Culture - 2nd edition 2004 - a book published on the Electronic Center for Specialized Judicial Studies - www. cojss. com.

iii. Mustafa Muhammad Diab Al-Sharif - The Principle of Justice in the Islamic System and Modern Political Systems - Published on the website - Al-Manara Al-Islam - www. almanaralink. com.

iv. Hanaa Yamani - administrative corruption and its treatment from an Islamic perspective - research published on the website (Islamiyat) WWW. islameiat. com







كيفية الاقتباس

عبد الهادي سرمد. 2023. "الفساد الإداري في الأنظمة المعاصرة ودور التنظيم الإداري الإسلامي في مكافحته". مجلة العلوم القانونية 38 (1): 435-58. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v38i1.620.

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