الصياغة المرنة واثرها على التجريد في القاعدة الجزائية


  • علياء يونس علي كلية القانون - جامعة بغداد
  • استاذ مساعد دكتور قائد هادي دهش كلية القانون - جامعة بغداد



الكلمات المفتاحية:

التجريد، العدل، اليقين الجنائي، الاعتبارات العملية، القيود، الصياغة المرنة


تسعى هذه الدراسة الى تحديد فكرة التجريد في قواعد التجريم والجزاء وبيان مدى الخصوصية التي يتمتع فيها في مجال التجريم والجزاء والتي تتمثل بكونه ليس مطلقا كما في القاعدة القانونية العامة وانما يكون مقيدا بقيود عدة، والتي ترجع الى طبيعة هذا القانون والوظائف الاساسية التي يؤديها في المجتمع وطبيعة الجزاءات التي يتضمنها والهدف منها والذي يتمثل في تحقيق الردع العام والردع الخاص والعدالة، كما وتوضح هذه الدراسة اهمية التجريد في قواعد التجريم والجزاء والمتمثلة في تحقيق العدل والمساواة بين الافراد كافة، وتحقيق اليقين القانوني الجنائي اضافة الى الوظائف العملية الهامة التي يؤديها التجريد سواء عند وضع القانون من قبل المشرع او عند تطبيقه .

   وتبين هذه الدراسة اهم القيود التي ترد على التجريد في القاعدة الجزائية والتي تتمثل بالصياغة المرنة لهذه النصوص في عبارات مرنة ومطاطة يمكن للقاضي عند تطبيقها من شمول وقائع في النص العقابي، لكونها غير محددة المعالم والذي يتعارض مع خاصية التجريد في قواعد التجريم والجزاء والتي يشترط فيها ان يتم تحديد الافعال الجرمية وفقا لأنموذج جرمي مجرد يضعه المشرع والذي يشترط فيه ان يكون محددا ومنضبطا ومن الوضوح بحيث يعلم الافراد السلوك المحظور عليهم اتيانه وتحديد الحالات التي تكون فيها الصياغة المرنة لنصوص التجريم قيدا على التجريد في قواعد التجريم والجزاء والتي يكون الغرض منها جعل هذه القواعد اكثر عدالة ومواكبة للتغيرات المختلفة والحالات التي تعد فيها الصياغة المرنة وسيلة لتحقيق المصالح الخاصة .


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: books

I. Abu Al-Saud, Ramadan and Zahran, Hammam Muhammad Mahmoud, 1997, Introduction to Law (The General Theory of the Legal Rule), (Alexandria, University Press House).

II. Abu Khatwa, Ahmed Shawqi Omar, 2003, Explanation of the General Provisions of the Penal Code, (Egypt, Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya).

III. Aoabi, Shuaib and Al-Nahli, Nadia and Baghlami, Abdel-Ghani and Al-Amrani, Ahmed and Abdel-Latif Saeed Allah, and Dekrak Salah El-Din, 2021, lectures on the introduction to the study of law, (Morocco, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University in Fez)

IV. Al-Bakri, Abdel-Baqi and Al-Bashir, Zuhair, 2015, Introduction to the Study of Law, (Beirut, Al-Sanhouri).

V. Behnam, Ramses, 1977, The Theory of Criminalization in Criminal Law, (The Standard of the Power of Punishment in Legislation and Application), (Alexandria, Manshiet Al-Maaref).

VI. Behnam, Ramses, 1997, The General Theory of Criminal Law, (Alexandria, Manshiet Al Maaref)

VII. Tanago, Samir El-Sayed, 1974, The General Theory of Law, (Alexandria, Manshaet Al-Maaref).

VIII. El-Gammal, Mustafa Muhammad, 1998, Renewing the General Theory of Law (Towards Employing the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence in Building the Principles of Law), (Part One, Alexandria, Al-Fath Printing and Publishing).

IX. Hegazy, Abdul-Hay Hegazy, 1950, Introduction to the Study of Legal Sciences, (Egypt, Abdullah Wahba Library).

X. Al -Hadithi, Fakhri Abdel -Razzaq, 2010, Explanation of the Penal Code (General Section), (Second Edition, Cairo, Al -Attak Company for the Book Industry).

XI. Al-Helou, Maged Ragheb, 1996, Administrative Law, (Alexandria, University Press House).

XII. Homd, Abdul Wahhab, 1955, General Criminal Rights (General Theories in the Syrian Penal Code), (Syria, Syrian University Press).

XIII. Khalaf, Jassim Khuraibet, 2020, Explanation of the Penal Code (General Section), (Beirut, Zain Legal Publications).

XIV. Al-Daoudi, Ghaleb Ali, 2004, Introduction to the Science of Law, (Amman, Dar Wael for Printing and Publishing)

XV. Al-Rifai, Ahmed Muhammad, 2008, Introduction to Legal Sciences (Theory of Law), (Egypt, Banha University).

XVI. Sorour, Ahmed Fathi, 2002, Constitutional Criminal Law, (second edition, Egypt, Dar Al-Shorouk).

XVII. Salama, Ahmed, 1984, Lessons on the Introduction to the Study of Law, (Egypt, Ain Shams University Press).

XVIII. Al-Sanhouri, Abdul Razzaq Al-Sanhouri and Hashmat, Ahmed, 1950, The Fundamentals of Law (Introduction to the Study of Law), (Cairo, Press of the Authorship, Translation and Publishing Committees).

XIX. Al-Shawi, Munther, Philosophy of Law, 1994, (Iraq, Iraqi Scientific Academy).

XX. Al-Saifi, Abdel Fattah, 2017, The Criminal Rule (An Analytical Study in Light of Contemporary Criminal Jurisprudence), (Egypt - University Press House).

XXI. Al-Saifi, Abdel Fattah Al-Saifi, 1985, The State’s Right to Punish, (first edition, Egypt, University Press House).

XXII. Azar, Adel, 1967, The General Theory of the Circumstances of Crime, (Cairo, International Press).

XXIII. Afifi, Essam, 2003, The Criminal Rule on White (A Comparative Study in Positive Law and Islamic Jurisprudence), (First Edition, Egypt, Abu Al-Majd Printing House).

XXIV. Afifi, Essam, 2003, Fragmentation of the Criminal Code, (Egypt, Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya).

XXV. Ali, Yahya Qasim, 1997, Introduction to the Study of Legal Sciences, (first edition, Egypt, Comet Distribution).

XXVI. Ali, Yahya Qasim, 1997, Introduction to the Study of Legal Sciences, (first edition, Egypt, Comet Distribution).

XXVII. Ali, Yusr Anwar, 1969, The Criminal Rule (A Study in the General Principles of Criminal Law), (Egypt, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya)

XXVIII. Al-Awji, Mustafa, 1992, The Legal Rule in Civil Law, (first edition, Beirut, Bahsoun Publishing and Distribution Foundation).

XXIX. Al-Far, Abdul Qadir, 2008, (Introduction to the Study of Legal Sciences, Principles of Public Law - The General Theory of Right), (first edition, Amman, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution).

XXX. Opening the Door, Eliwa Mustafa, 2012, The Mediator in Enacting, Drafting, and Interpreting Legislation - Book Two, (Egypt, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Qaniya and Dar Shatat Publishing). XXXI. Kira, Hassan, 1969, Introduction to Law, Part One, (Alexandria, Manshaet Al Maaref)

XXXII. Mubarak, Saeed Abdul Karim, 2017, Fundamentals of Law, (first edition, Iraq - Yadgar Library).

XXXIII. Mansour, Muhammad Hussein, 2010, Introduction to Law (The Legal Rule), (first edition, Lebanon, Al-Halabi Legal Publications).

XXXIV. Wazir, Abdel Azim Morsi, 1983, Presumed Conditions in the Crime (A Rooted Analytical Study), (Egypt, Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya).

Second: Research

I. Dr. Jalil Hassan Al-Saadi, Dr. Muhammad Abdel Wahab Muhammad; Incoherence of basic obstacles to the contract, Anbar University Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, Issue Eleven, 2016, 10.37651/aujlps.2016.132459

II. Dr.. Hussein Abd Ali Issa, The importance of the legislative drafting of the Penal Code in adapting criminal incidents, Tikrit University Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, Volume 4, Year 4, Issue 13, 2012.

III. Dr.. Salam Abdel-Zahra Al-Fatlawi, General Standards for Legislative Drafting (Comparative Study), Al-Muhaqiq Al-Hilli Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, Fourth Issue, Ninth Year, 2017.

IV. Dr.. Abdel Fattah Al-Saifi, Conformity in the Field of Criminalization and Punishment - A Jurisprudential Attempt to Develop a General Theory of Conformity, Faculty of Law Journal for Legal and Economic Research, Year 13, Special Issue, Alexandria University - Faculty of Law, 1968.

V. D. Ali Ahmed Abbas, Legal Drafting and its Impact on Law Application, Journal of Legal Studies, Issue 21, Sixth Year, 2007

VI. Radhi Mazen Lilo. 2019. “Legal Certainty through Clarity and Easy Access to the Law.” Journal of Legal Sciences 34(1):1-35. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v34i1.120

VII. Al-Shammari Kazem Abdullah, and Abd Zeina Abd al-Jalil. 2021. “The Policy of Criminalization in Private Criminal Laws.” Journal of Legal Sciences 36 (December):176_211. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v36i0.415. Page 293-318

VIII. Al-Safo, Nofal Ali Abdullah. (2006). Violation of the principle of equality in criminal law. Al-Rafidain Law, 11(28), 265-319. doi: 10.33899/alaw.2006.160477

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X. Talib Haider, and Harith Sirri. 2019. “The Social Effects of the Legislative Omission: A Comparative Study.” Journal of Legal Sciences 34(2):26-64. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v34i2.234.

XI. Abdullah Firas Abdel Moneim, and Haider Hayyan Ibrahim. 2021. “The Legal Basis for the Right to the City (a Comparative Study)”. Journal of Legal Sciences 36 (December):251_271. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v36i0.432.

XII. Aboud Al-Sarraj, Crime and Law, Journal of Law and Sharia, Kuwait University - Faculty of Law and Sharia, Volume 2, Issue 2, 1978.

XIII. Muhammad Salem Karim, Legal Security is a Standard for Legislative Review, Wasit Journal for the Human Sciences, Volume 17, Issue 47, 2021.

Third: Theses and dissertations

I. Jalal, Mahmoud Taha, 2004, The Origins of Criminalization and Punishment in Contemporary Criminal Policy (A Comparative Study), PhD thesis, Faculty of Law/Ain Shams University, Egypt.

II. Al-Rubaie, 2000, Bassem Abdul-Zaman Majeed, The Theory of the Legal Structure of the Punitive Text, PhD thesis, College of Law/University of Baghdad.

III. Saleh, Ahmed Jaber, 2019, Criminal Legal Certainty, PhD thesis, College of Law/University of Karbala

IV. Nouri, Haider Ali, 2010, The Terrorist Crime (A Study in Light of the Anti-Terrorism Law No. 13 of 2005) Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Law / Al-Nahrain University.

Fourth: Legislation

I. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005

II. Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969.

III. Law on Discipline of State and Public Sector Employees No. 14 of 1991

Fifth: Foreign references

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كيفية الاقتباس

علي علياء, و دهش قائد. 2023. "الصياغة المرنة واثرها على التجريد في القاعدة الجزائية". مجلة العلوم القانونية 38 (2): 442-92. https://doi.org/10.35246/hmr94167.

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