التزام الجرّاح التجميلي في القانون الإماراتي بين الواقع والمأمول


  • أستاذ مساعد دكتورة عائشة عبيد راشد القايدي



الكلمات المفتاحية:

جراح التجميل، المسؤولية الطبية، بذل عناية، تحقيق نتيجة، الجراحة التحسينية


إن عمليات التجميل تزايدت في الآونة الأخيرة خاصة مع تطور التكنولوجيا ودخول الذكاء الاصطناعي لتغيير شكل الإنسان دون النظر للمخاطر والمضاعفات التي قد تحدث مستقبلا، وتكمن الإشكالية الرئيسة في عدم وجود قانون أو لائحة تنظيمية تنظم مزاولة هذه المهنة أو تحدد مسؤولية الجراح التجميلي ومدى التزامه في عمليات التجميل وبالأخص التحسينية منها، إذ أنه يتم الرجوع إلى قواعد المسؤولية الطبية في دولة الإمارات الصادر في سنة 2016 ولائحته التنظيمة، أو قانون المعاملات المدنية الإماراتي، حيث جاءت هذه الدراسة لبيان موقف القانون والقضاء الإماراتي من عمليات التجميل مع الاستعانة في بعض المواضع بالقوانين والقضاء المقارن، وذلك ببيان ماهية جراحة التجميل في المبحث الأول. أما المبحث الثاني تناول فقط طبيعة التزام الجراح التجميلي في عقد الجراحة التجميلية، وفي الأخير في المبحث الثالث عرضنا صور إخلال الجراح التجميلي بالتزاماته. سواء من الناحية الأخلاقية أو الفنية. لنصل لعدة توصيات ونتائج تخص الورقة البحثية ومنها ضرورة إنشاء قانون ينظم عمليات التجميل بأنواعها، وتفعيل اللجان الرقابية والقضائية على مراكز التجميل الخاصة والحكومية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.   


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: Jurisprudential References

i. Ibn Rushd; Muhammad Ibn A.H.med Ibn Muhammad Ibn Rushd Al-Andalusi, Abu Al-Walid: 1415 – 1994. Beginning of diligent and end of Al Muqtassid, Research Examiner: Muhammad Subhi Hassan Hallaq, Part Four.

ii. Ibn Manzur, Jamal Al-Din Abu Al-Fadl Muhammad Ibn Makram Ibn Ali Ibn A.H.med Ibn Abi Al-Qasim Ibn Habqa Al-Ansari Al-Masri, 630-711 A.H. 2005, Lisan Al-Arab, Sader Printing and Publishing, Beirut, fourth edition, third volume.

iii. Al-Balkhi, Nizam Al-Din, Hindi Fatwas, Dar Al-Fikr for Publishing and Distribution, second edition, Part Six, 1310 A.H.

iv. Al-Hanafi, AbdullA.H. Ibn MA.H.moud Ibn Mawdud Al-Mawsili, 1356 A.H. - 1937 A.D., Al-Ikhtiyar to explain Al-Mukhtar, comments: Mahmoud Abu Daqiqa (Hanafi Scholar and former teacher at Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion), Publisher: Al-Halabi Printing Press - Cairo, vol. 2.

v. Surat Al-Taghabun, verse 3.

vi. Al-Shatibi, 1943, Conformations in Islamic Jurisprudence (Al-Fiqh) by Al-Imam Abu Ishaq Ibn Musa Al-Lakhmi Al-Gharnati Al-Marouf, Grand Commercial Library, Cairo, edited by Abdullah Daraz, vol. 2.

vii. Shabir, Muhammad Othman, 2011, Provisions of Plastic Surgery in Islamic Jurisprudence, Faculty of Islamic Law and Studies, Kuwait.

viii. Al-Sherbini, Muhammad Ibn Ahmed Al-Khatib, Provide People with Proper Phrases, Author: Arabian Books House, Beirut, vol. 4.

ix. Al-Attar, Jamal Hamid, 2007, Decision of International Islamic Fiqh Academy regarding cosmetic wounds dated July 31, website: www.islamonline.net

x. Al-Awari, Abdel-Fattah Bahij Ali, 2010, Jurisprudential Rulings for Plastic Surgery in Islamic Jurisprudence, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Al-Azhar University, Law Books House, Egypt.

xi. Eid, Adel Abdel-Fadil, 2016, Decisions of Fiqh Councils on Contemporary Medical and Health Issues, University Education House, Alexandria,

xii. Fayed, Shaaban Al-Koumi Ahmed, 2006, Provisions of Beautification in Islamic Jurisprudence, New University House, Alexandria, first edition.

Second: General legal books

I. Al-Jumaili, Asaad Obaid, 2011, Malpractice in Civil Medical Liability, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, second edition.

II. Al-Husseini, Abdul Latif, 1987, Civil Liability for Professional Malpractices, International Book Company, Beirut, first edition.

III. Al-Desouki, Muhammad Ibrahim, 1995, Legal Aspects of managing negotiations and concluding a contract, General administration of Research, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

IV. Rice, Muhammad, 2007, The Civil Responsibility of Doctors, Dar Houma, Algeria.

V. Rushdi, Muhammad Saeed, 2015, The Medical Treatment Contract, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jami, Alexandria, Egypt.

VI. Al-Sanhouri, Abdel-Razzaq, 1971, The Mediator in explanation of Civil Law, Manshat Al-Marif, Alexandria, Part One.

VII. Al-Shawa, Muhammad Sami, 2003, Medical malpractice before the Criminal Court, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Egypt, first edition.

VIII. Abdel Ghaffar, Anas Muhammad, 2013, The Doctor’s Obligations towards the Patient, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Qaniya, UAE, Egypt.

IX. Al-Ajaj, Talal, 2011, The Civil Liability of a Doctor, Modern Book World, Jordan.

X. Ezz El -Din, Harazi, 2008, Civil Responsibility of surgical specialist in Algerian law and comparative law, Homa House, Algeria, first edition.

XI. Fateh Al-Bab, Muhammad Rabie, 2016, The Legal Nature of Medical Liability, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

XII. Mohtaseb Bi-Allah, Bassam, Civil and Criminal Medical Liability, Dar Al-Iman, Beirut, first edition, 1984.

XIII. Masoumeh, Hamdi Abdel Rahman, 1987 A.D., Problems of Medical Liability and Organ Transplantation Research, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, Cairo.

XIV. Mansour, Muhammad Hussein, 2011, Medical Liability, New University House, Faculty of Law, Alexandria University.

Third: Specialized legal books

I. Al-Ahmed, Hussam Al-Din, 2011, Medical Liability in Plastic Surgery, Al-Halabi Legal Publications, Beirut, Lebanon, first edition,

II. Al-Jaf, Anwar Abu Bakr Hawani, 2010 A.D., legitimacy of plastic surgery and Doctors responsibility, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Qanunia, Egypt, first edition.

III. Hanna, Munir Riyad, 2021, Medical Malpractice in General and Specialized Surgeries, Dar Al-Fikr University, Faculty of Law, Alexandria.

IV. Hanna, Munir Riyad, 2011, Civil Liability of Physicians and Surgeons, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jamei, Alexandria, first edition.

V. Refaat, Muhammad, 1984, Surgeries and plastic surgery, Knowledge and Publishing House, Cairo, fourth edition.

VI. Sahra, Daoudi, 2006, The Doctor’s Responsibility in Plastic Surgery, Master’s Thesis, University of Gosdi Merbah Warqalah, Algeria.

VII. Abd Al Illah, Rajab Karim, 2009, Civil Liability of Plastic Surgeons, a comparative study, Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya, Cairo.

VIII. Fateh Al-Bab, Muhammad Rabie, 2016, The Legal Nature of Civil Liability of Plastic Surgeon, Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya, Cairo.

IX. Farag, Hisham Abdel Hamid, 2007, Medical Malpractice, Dar Al Nahda, Cairo, first edition.

X. Al-Fadl, Munther. 1995, Medical Responsibility in Plastic Surgery, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, Jordan, 2nd edition.

XI. Qazmar, Nadia Muhammad, 2010 A.D., Plastic Surgery, Legal and Sharia Aspects, Faculty of Law, Philadelphia University, Amman, Culture House, first edition.

Fourth: Scientific theses

I. Samia Bou Mediene, Plastic Surgery and Civil Liability, Master’s Thesis, Faculty of Law, Muhammad Bougara University, Algeria, 2012.

II. Fatima Abdel Karim Abdulla, 2023, Civil Liability arising from Plastic Surgery, Master’s Thesis, Dar Al Nahda Al-Ilmia, Cairo, first edition,

III. Al-Qazi, Rana, 2005, Plastic Surgery and Plastic Surgeon responsibility, Master’s Thesis, Lebanese University, Beirut.

IV. Mounira, Jarboua, 2002, Medical Malpractice between General Surgery and Plastic Surgery, Master’s Thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Algiers, p. 293

Fifth: Scientific periodicals and magazines

I. Khalil, Magdy Hassan, 2001, The effectiveness of patient satisfaction in medical contract, Journal of Legal and Economic Sciences, Egypt.

Fifth: Laws and regulations

I. Federal Law No. 5 of 1985 concerning Civil Transactions Code of United Arab Emirates issued on 15/12/1985, published on 29/12/1985, come into force as of March 1986. Official Gazette 158, fifteenth year.

II. Cabinet Resolution No. 40 of 2019 concerning executive regulations of Federal Decree Law No. (4) of 2016 concerning medical liability in United Arab Emirates, issued on 02/072019, published on 15/07/2019, come into force as of 16/07/2019, published in Official Gazette No. 658, forty-ninth year.

III. Federal Decree Law No. 4 concerning Medical Liability in United Arab Emirates, issued on 02/08/2016, published on 15/08/2016, come into force as of 15/08/2016, published in Official Gazette 601, forty-sixth year.

Sixth: Judicial rulings

I. Cassation No. 111 of Judicial Year 35, Court of Cassation - Civil, Arab Republic of Egypt, dated 26/06/1969, Technical Office No. 20, Part 2, Page No. 1075 [Overturn of Judgment and Referred], Rule No. 166.

II. Cassation No. 180 of 2022, Civil Cassation, Dubai Court of Cassation, in the public session held on 26/05/2022 at Dubai Court of Cassation.

III. Cassation No. 2119 of 2008 Judicial dated 14/05/2009, Court of Cassation, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Civil Rulings.

IV. Cassation No. 219 of 2016, Civil Cassation, Court of Cassation, public session held on November 3, 2016 at Dubai Court of Cassation.

V. Cassation No. 385 of 2014 Judicial, Court of Cassation, United Arab Emirates - Civil Rulings - Civil Circuit - dated 29/10/2015, Technical Office No. 26, Part 2, Page No. 989 [Rejected] Rule No. 113.

Seventh: Foreign References

Bioethics, Justice and Healthcare-Wanda TEAYS and Laura M. Purdy-2001,







كيفية الاقتباس

عائشة عبيد راشد القايدي. 2024. "التزام الجرّاح التجميلي في القانون الإماراتي بين الواقع والمأمول". مجلة العلوم القانونية 39 (1): 220-57. https://doi.org/10.35246/v2r05z74.

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