تفسير الاحكام القضائية


  • حسين عبدالله عبد الرضا



الكلمات المفتاحية:

دعوى تفسير الاحكام القضائية، الدعوى التفسيرية، المنفذ العدل، توضيح الاحكام، الاحكام القضائية الغامضة او المبهمة، تفسير الحكم القضائي، سلطة المحكمة بتوضيح الحكم او تفسيره، الولاية التكميلية للمحكمة


تعد الاحكام القضائية من اجراءات رفع الخصومة امام القضاء حيث بصدور الحكم القضائي تنتهي الخصومة و يحسم النزاع ، و لذلك يجب ان يكون الحكم القضائي واضح لا غموض فيه او ابهام و لا يثير اللبس ، و كل غموض او ابهام يعتري الحكم القضائي يجعل من تطبيقه امر مستحيل. لذلك جعل المشرع من طريق تفسير الاحكام القضائية الغامضة طريق يلجئ اليه المتخاصمين او المنفذين لتلك الاحكام للمحكمة المصدرة لها لتوضيح ما اكتنف حكمها من غموض او ابهام ، حتى يتسنى للجهة المنفذة لهذه الاحكام من ان تنفذه وفق مضمونه و منح الخصوم حقوقهم لذلك جاء هذا البحث لبيان مفهوم تفسير الحكم القضائي و من ثم بيان شروط تفسير الحكم القضائي و المحكمة المختصة بتفسير الحكم و سلطتها التقديرية.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


I. Dr. Ahmed Abu Al Wafa, Theory of Judgments in the Code of Civil Procedure, Al Wafa Legal Library, Alexandria, 2015 edition.

II. Dr. Ahmed Abu Al Wafa, Commentary on the Code of Civil Procedure, Al Wafa Legal Library, Alexandria, 2017 edition.

III. Counselor Ahmed Abdel Sadek, Codification of Procedures, Explanation of the Provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, Volume Two, Dar Al Qanoon for Legal Publications, 2018.

IV. Dr. Ahmed Samir Yassin, Review of Judgments Other Than Appeal Methods A Comparative Study, a research published in the Journal of the Faculty of Law for Legal and Political Sciences, Issue 12/2015.

V. Dr. Anis Mansour Al Mansour, Towards a Legal Organization for Interpreting Judicial Rulings in the Jordanian Code of Civil Procedure, a research published in the Journal of Studies of Sharia and Law Sciences, Volume 42, Issue 3, 2015.

VI. See Dr. Bassem Dhnoon Al Sabaawi, Obstacles to the Executive File A Comparative Study, Zain Legal Publications, First Edition, 2016.

VII. Hussam Abdul Muhammad Dhaher, Omar Latif Karim, Wissam Abdul Muhammad Dhaher, The Legal System for Correcting Judicial Rulings An Analytical Study, a research published in the Journal of the Iraqi University, Issue 46, Part 1.

VIII. Dr. Saeed Mubarak, Provisions of the Enforcement Law No. 45 of 1980, Baghdad, without a date of publication.

IX. Dr. Abbas Al Aboudi, Explanation of the Provisions of the Enforcement Law, First Edition, Dar Al Thaqafa and Publishing, Amman, 2005.

X. Lawyer Abdul Raqeeb Al Qadi, Interpretation of the Judicial Ruling and Related Matters, a research published online on the website: https://rqeep.blogspot.com/2019/01/blog post_76.html

XI. Dr. Abdul Moneim Ibrahim Sharaf, Controls for Interpreting Rulings Issued by the Supreme Constitutional Court in Constitutional Cases, an Analytical and Applied Study in Light of the Rulings of the Supreme Constitutional Court, Journal of Legal and Economic Research, Volume 56, Issue 3, 2022.

XII. Dr. Abdul Moneim Abdul Wahab Al Amer, Problems of Legal Organization for Interpreting the Ambiguity of the Civil Judicial Ruling in Iraqi Law, Journal of Generation for Comparative Studies, Issue 14, Year 6, 2022.

XIII. Issam Hatem Hussein Al Saadi, Means of forcing the administration to implement judicial rulings a comparative study, first edition, Baghdad, 2012.

XIV. Judge Awad Hussein Bash Al Obaidi, Implementation of ambiguous judicial rulings and its practical problems, Tikrit University Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, Issue 8, Year 2, 2010.

XV. Judge Awad Hussein Yassin Al Obaidi / Deputy President of the Kirkuk Federal Court of Appeal, Judicial Language and its Impact on the Drafting of Judicial Ruling, a research published on the website of the Supreme Judicial Council at the following link: https://sjc.iq/view.70282/

XVI. Dr. Muhammad Al Manji, Correction Suit, first edition, Maaref Establishment in Alexandria, 1995.

XVII. Judge Medhat Al Mahmoud, Explanation of the Enforcement Law No. 45 of 1980 and its Practical Applications, Legal Library, Cairo, Fourth Edition, 2009

XVIII. Judge Medhat Al Mahmoud, Explanation of the Enforcement Law No. 45 of 1980 and its Practical Applications, Legal Library, Baghdad, 2017.

XIX. Dr. Nabil Ismail Omar, Principles of Civil and Commercial Procedures, First Edition, Al Maaref Establishment, Alexandria.

XX. Maqni Bin Ammar, Controls for Correcting and Interpreting Judicial Rulings According to Algerian Law, Journal of Law and Human Sciences, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2016.

XXI. Judge Lafta Hamel Al Ajili, Explanation of the Enforcement Law No. 45 of 1980, Beirut, First Edition, 2018.

XXII. Dr. Lafta Hamel Al Ajili, Provisions of the Enforcement Law, First Edition, Baghdad, 2023.




كيفية الاقتباس

حسين عبدالله عبد الرضا. 2024. "تفسير الاحكام القضائية". مجلة العلوم القانونية 39 (2): 50-86. https://doi.org/10.35246/7mqv8439.

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