مبدأ احترام السيادة الاقليمية (العراق إنموذجاً)


  • إسراء نادر كيطان
  • لمى عبد الباقي محمود



الكلمات المفتاحية:

مبدأ احترام السيادة الاقليمية، المسؤولية الدولية، الضرر، الفعل غير المشروع


 يهدف البحث الى بيان مبدأ احترام السيادة الاقليمية للدولة والتي تُعد من اهم المصطلحات في اطار القانون الدولي العام لكونها احد اهم العناصر المكونة للدولة والتي من خلالها تمارس الدولة سلطاتها على اقليمها داخلياً وخارجياً، لذلك ركز القانون الدولي على وجوب احترامها وعدم انتهاكها من خلال النص عليها في الاتفاقيات والمواثيق الدولية ومن اهمها ميثاق الامم المتحدة لعام 1945 الذي أكد على ضرورة احترام سيادة الدول من خلال حظر استخدام القوة وعدم جواز التدخل في الشؤون الداخلية لها وذلك من اجل الحفاظ على سيادة الدول وبالتالي حفظ السلم والامن الدوليين، لكن على الرغم من كل ذلك نجد وجود انتهاكات من قبل بعض الدول، وبسبب التطورات الاخيرة الحاصلة والاعتداء على سيادة العراق كان لابد من تسليط الضوء على هذه المسألة وبوجه خاص الاعتداءات الاخيرة التي قامت، بها كل من تركيا وايران، التي انتهكت فيها سيادة الدولة العراقية، وبما ان هذا الانتهاك مخالف لقواعد القانون الدولي وكل مخالفة للأخيرة تترتب عليها مسؤولية دولية.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: Books

I. Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Anani, Public International Law, first edition, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, without year of publication, Egypt.

II. Ahmed Abu Al-Wafa, International Protection of Human Rights, Dar Al-Nahda, Cairo, Egypt, 2000.

III. Boras Abdel Qader, International Humanitarian Intervention and the Decline of the Principle of National Sovereignty, New University House, Alexandria, 2009.

IV. Jamil Hussein Al-Damen, International Responsibility for Violating the Protection of Journalists and Media during Armed Conflicts, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Qawaniyya, Egypt, 2012.

V. Raymond Haddad, International Relations, Dar Al-Haqiqa, Beirut, Lebanon, 2000.

VI. Saeed Muhammad Ahmed Banaja, Basic Principles of International Relations and Diplomacy in Times of Peace and War, Al-Resala Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon, Blasnah.

VII. Ezz El-Din Fouda, Introduction to Public International Law, Ain Shams Library, without year of publication, Egypt.

VIII. Ali Sadiq Abu Heif, Public International Law, Origin of Knowledge, Alexandria, Egypt, 2015.

IX. Ghazi Hassan Al-Sabarini, Al-Wajeez fi Principles of Public International Law, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 2007.

X. Issam Al-Attiya, Public International Law, Dar Al-Sanhouri, Beirut, 2015.

XI. Muhammad Aziz Shukri, Introduction to Public International Law in Peacetime, Dar Al-Fikr, Damascus, Syria, without a year.

XII. Munther Al-Shawi, The Theory of Sovereignty, Dar Al-Adala, 2nd edition, Baghdad, Iraq, 2002.

XIII. Muhanna Muhammad Nasr, Theory of the State and Political Systems, Modern University Office, Alexandria, Egypt, 2002.

XIV. Saleh Jubair Al-Busaisi, The Role of the International Court of Justice in Developing the Principles of International Humanitarian Law, Arab Center for Scientific Studies, Research, Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2017.

Second:- Theses and dissertations:-

I. Hassan Rizq Salman, The World Order and the Future of State Sovereignty, Master’s thesis submitted to the Council of the Faculty of Law - Middle East University, Gaza, Palestine, 2010.

II. Wissam Issa Rahm, Violating the State’s Sovereignty Over Its Air Territory, Master’s thesis submitted to the Council of the College of Law - University of Karbala, Iraq, 2022.

III. Abdul Latif Saber Zaher, on the international responsibility resulting from preventing the Israeli occupation from returning Palestinian refugees, a master’s thesis submitted to the Council of the Faculty of Sharia and Law - Islamic University, Palestine, 2016.

IV. Kawthar Najm Abdul Hassan, International Responsibility for Transboundary Air Pollution, Master’s thesis submitted to the Council of the College of Law - Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad.

V. Third:- Research and articles:-

VI. Bin Bouabdallah Noura and Bin Abdulaziz Malioud, the relationship between the principles of territorial sovereignty and the right to self-determination in light of international law, Al-Fikr Magazine, Volume 13, Issue 2, Algeria, 2018.

VII. Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Sukni, The Idea of Sovereignty in Public International Law, Academy of Graduate Studies, Tripoli, 2008.

VIII. Namiq Abdel Fattah, The United States of America and Terrorism, Political Issues Magazine, Issue (2), College of Political Science, Baghdad, 2002.

IX. Najib Mouloud Al-Marhoon, State sovereignty and territorial integrity in light of current developments, Al-Dalil Journal for Humanitarian Studies, second issue, 2016.

X. Rashid Majeed Muhammad, The Role of the International Court of Justice in Interpreting and Developing the System of International Liability, Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, College of Law and Political Science, Second Issue, University of Diyala, Diyala, 2013.

XI. Masoud Abdel Salam, International Responsibility, Elements and Effects, Egyptian Institute for Studies, Egypt, 2019.

XII. Ezz El-Din Masoud and Salmani Salem, The Characteristic of Sovereignty, Al-Ustad Al-Bajith Journal for Legal and Political Studies, Volume 26, Issue 1, 2021.

Fourth:- International Documents:-

The United Nations Charter of 1945.

I. Corfu Strait Case, International Court of Justice Judgments, Part 4.

II. UN General Assembly Resolution No. 2131, Declaration of the Inadmissibility of Interference in the Internal Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty, 1965.

III. Charter of the League of Arab States.

IV. Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 53rd session.

V. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969.

VI. Report of the Sixth International Law Commission, 56th Session, United Nations, New York, 83/56/RES/A.

Fifth:- Websites

I. Michael Knights, Iranian cross-border strikes, article published on the Internet at https://www.washingtoninstitute.org /, accessed 11/1/2022.

II. Istanbul Agency, The death toll from Iran’s bombing of the Kurdistan region has increased, an article published on the Internet at the electronic link, https://www.aa.com.tr/ , accessed 11/22/2022.

III. Independent Arabia, The repercussions of the Turkish bombing on relations between Baghdad and Ankara, an article published on the Internet at the electronic link, https://www.independentarabia.com , accessed on 11/25/2022.

IV. - The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the website https://mofa.gov.iq/2022/09/?p=34061 , accessed 11/29/2022.

V. Anas Salem, Iran violates Iraq’s sovereignty again...international condemnations, article published on the Internet, on the website, https://alssaa.com/ , accessed on 12/1/2022.

VI. The website of the International Court of Justice, at the electronic link, https://www.icj-cij.org , accessed on 12/22/2023.

VII. Iraq submits two complaints before the United Nations and the Security Council, an article published on the Internet at the electronic link, https://arabic.rt.com/ , accessed on 2/22/2024.

Sixth:- Foreign sources

I. Elena Laura Álvarez Ortega, The attribution of international responsibility to a State for conduct of private individuals within the territory of another State, ph.D, University Pompeu Fabra,2015.

II. Max Huber President and Recorder A. Hammarskjöld, Case Concerning the Factory in Chorzow, Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice, No. 9,1927.

III. Milka Dimitrovska, The Concept of State International Responsibility in the International Public Law System, Journal of Freedom and International Affairs | Volume 1, No. 2, 2015.




كيفية الاقتباس

إسراء نادر كيطان, و لمى عبد الباقي محمود. 2024. "مبدأ احترام السيادة الاقليمية (العراق إنموذجاً)". مجلة العلوم القانونية 39 (2): 469-94. https://doi.org/10.35246/v98y6r66.

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