Quantitive specialty of supreme administrative court in Iraq
Quantitative specialty, supreme administrative courtAbstract
The supreme administrative court has been constituted under law no.17 for 2013 ,the fifth amendment of the state consultive council no.65 for 1979 .it's constitutions is regarded as a quantitive development on the level of administrative judiciary in Iraq ,for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the dual judicial system ,Which demands it's existence on the head of the administrative courts besides ,it's constitution has settled the situation and disassemble the interference and the overlap in the specialty of the administrative judiciary and constitutional judiciary in issue related to the pure specialty of administrative judiciary by under taking the specialty in dealing with discriminatory decision that issued from employed courts and administrative courts ,by this , it terminates the guardianship of the supreme federal court on these appeals ,which were excuted under the law no.30 for 2015 .
further more ,the supreme administrative courts is specialized in resolving conflict happened in determining specialty in dealing with litigation bet .employee court and administrative court .more over ,it resolves the conflict that happened in excuting two diseriminatory decisions that are contradictory, issued from employee court or administrative court on the same topic , for the same adversaries , or whaen one part of them is engaged in one of these two judgments , and one judgment superpasses the other one and it is decided to be excuted .
this research highlights the quantative specialty of supreme administrative court in Iraq , through the analysis the legal texts and applied decisions related to the subject .
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رابعاًـ القوانين
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