The responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior for the work of its employees
The employees of the Internal Security Forces, the Ministry of Interior, vicarious liabilityAbstract
The harm that a member of the internal security forces causes to others is either to ask about him personally according to the rules of responsibility for personal actions whenever the injured man is able to prove the error on his side Or to ask the Ministry of Interior according to the rules vicarious liability, which obligate the follower to compensate the harm caused by his subordinate to others whenever the injured failed to prove the error on the part of the employee of the internal security forces As the error is considered presumed by the Ministry of the Interior without requiring the injured person to prove the latter’s fault, and the reason for that is to protect the injured by facilitating his obtaining compensation, as the one responsible for the work of others is often more left than the one who caused the damage.
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ثالثاً- القوانين
أ- القوانين العربية
i. القانون المدني المصري رقم 131 لسنة 1948
ii. القانون المدني العراقي رقم 40 لسنة 1951
iii. قانون هيئة الشرطة المصري رقم 109 لسنة 1971 المعدل بالقانون رقم 8 لسنة 2020
iv. قانون واجبات رجل الشرطة في مكافحة الجريمة رقم 176 لسنة 1980
v. قانون اصول المحاكمات الجزائية لقوى الأمن الداخلي رقم 17 لسنة 2008
vi. قانون الخدمة والتقاعد لقوى الامن الداخلي رقم 18 لسنة 2011
vii. قانون وزارة الداخلية العراقي رقم 20 لسنة 2016
ب- القوانين الأجنبية
i. -federal tort claims Act 1946.
ii. - police Act 1964 chapter48.
iii. - police Act 1996 .
iv. - Human rights Act 1998.
v. Consolidated law of Washington DC
vi. State law texas.
vii. State law new York.
viii. State law florida.
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