عقد تقديم خدمات المطاعم في القانون الإنكليزي دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بالقانون المدني العراقي


  • الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور يونس صلاح الدين علي جامعة جيهان الخاصة - كلية القانون والعلاقات الدولية والدبلوماسية



الكلمات المفتاحية:

عقد تقديم خدمات المطاعم، عقود الضيافة


   يعد عقد تقديم خدمات المطاعم أحد أنواع عقود الضيافة في قانون الأحكام العام الانكليزي غير المكتوب ذي الأصل العرفي، والمبني على السوابق القضائية للمحاكم الانكليزية. وهو عقد مركب ذي طبيعة مختلطة. فهو يعد في جانبٍ منه عقداً لبيع وجبات الطعام والشراب، كما يعد عقداً لتقديم الخدمة المتعلقة بتحضير الطعام والشراب، لغرض تقديمهما الى الزبون، وعقداً للوديعة أيضاً. وجدير بالذكر فإن هذا العقد يخضع لأحكام أربعة تشريعات إنكليزية مهمة هي: تشريع بيع البضائع لعام 1979، وتشريع توريد البضائع وتقديم الخدمات لعام 1982، وتشريع حماية المستهلك لعام 1987. وتشريع حقوق المستهلك لعام 2015 . كما يستخلص من هذا العقد العديد من البنود الضمنية التي يفترضها التشريع ضمنياً في هذا العقد. وبالمقابل فإن القانون المدني العراقي رقم (40) لسنة 1951  لم ينظم صراحة هذا العقد ضمن العقود المسماة، إلا أنه يمكن أن يخضع لإحكام عقدي البيع والمقاولة، وذلك لأنه ينطوي على بيع الطعام والشراب، فضلاً عن الخدمات المتعلقة بهما، والتي يقدمها صاحب المطعم للزبون.   


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First, The Sources Are in Arabic.

A. Legal books.

I. Badr, Dr. Osama Ahmed. 2011, Commitment to Diligence and Commitment to Result Between Personal and Objective Responsibility. Judicial analytical study in French and Egyptian law, Dar Al-Jamea' Al-Jadida.

II. Al-Fadhli, Dr. Jafar. 2007, Brief in Civil Contracts. Sale Rent Contracting. Al-Maktaba Al-Qanonia. Baghdad.

III. Al-Khatib, Dr. Hassan Abd Al-Ghani, 2012, Public Law, Manshorat Zain Al-Hoquqia, Beirut, Lebanon.

IV. Al-Zanoon, Dr. Hassan Ali, and Al-Raho, Dr. Mohammed Saeed. 2002, Brief in the General Theory of Commitment. Part One, Sources of Obligation. A comparative study of Islamic and comparative Jurisprudence. 1st Edition. Dar Wael Llnasher, Amman.

V. Hammad, Dr. Dra', 2016, The General Theory of Obligations, Section One, Sources of Commitment, Maktabat Al-Sanhoury, Beirut.

VI. Ayoub, Ziad Antoine. 2018, Tourism Institutions and Professions in Legislation, Jurisprudence and Diligence, a Theoretical and Practical Comparative study. First Edition. Sharikat Al-Muassa Al-Haditha Llkutab.

VII. Al-Ma'mouri, Dhamer Hussein Nasser. 2011, Contract Benefit and Hidden Defective Comparative Study. Second Edition. Manshorat Zain Al-Hoqoqia, Beirut, Lebanon.

VIII. Khattab, Dr. Tolba Wahba, 1979, In Exchange for Commitment to a Promise in Anglo-American law, Dar Al-Fiker Al-Arabi.

IX. Al-Sanhoury, Abd Al-Razzaq Ahmed. 2004, The Mediator in Explaining The Civil Law, Part One, Commitment Theory in General, Commitment Sources, Contract - Unlawful Work - Unreasonable Enrichment – Law, Mansha't Al-ma'arf, Alexandria.

X. Al-Sanhoury, Abd Al-Razzaq Ahmed. 2004, The Mediator in Explaining The Civil Law, Seventh Part, volume 1, Contracts Received on The Work of Contracting, Agency, Deposit and Guarding, Mansha't Al-ma'arf, Alexandria.

XI. Al-Hakim, Dr. Abd Al-Majeed, 1963, The Brief Explanation of Civil Law, Part One in Sources of Obligation with Comparison with Islamic Jurisprudence, Sharikat Al-Taba' Walnashr Al-Ahlia, Baghdad.

XII. Al-Hakim, Abd Al-Majeed, 1967, Mediator in Contract Theory, With Comparison and Balance Between Theories of Western Jurisprudence and Their Equivalents in Islamic Jurisprudence and Iraqi Civil Law, Part One in Contracts, Sharikat Al-Taba' Walnashr Al-Ahlia, Baghdad.

XIII. Al-Khafaji, Dr. Aziz Kazem Jabr. 2013, Provisions of The Sale Contract Compared to Islamic Jurisprudence, Book One Manshorat Zain Al-Hoqoqia, Beirut, Lebanon.

XIV. Bakr, Dr Ismat Abd Al-Majeed. 2011, The General Theory of Obligations. Part One. Commitment Sources. 1st Edition. Al-Zakera Llnasher Waltawzea, Baghdad.

XV. Bakr, DrIsmat Abd Al-Majeed. 2015, Brief in Civil Contracts, Contracting and Agency. Manshorat Zain Al-Hoqoqia, Beirut, Lebanon.

XVI. Bakr, Dr. Ismat Abdel Majeed. 2015, Brief in Civil Contracts, Sale-Rent. Manshorat Zain Al-Hoqoqia, Beirut, Lebanon.

XVII. Al-Anbaki, Dr. Majeed Hamid, 2001, Principles of Contract in English Law, Manshorat Jamea't Al-Nahrain.

XVIII. Shanab, Dr. Muhammad Labib, 2018, Explanation of The Provisions of The Contracting Contract in The Light of Jurisprudence and The Judiciary, Mansha't Al-ma'arf ,Alexandria.

XIX. Habib, Dr. Mustafa Salman, 2009, Legal Terminology in English Contracts, Dar Al-Thakafa Llnasher Waltawzea.

XX. Al-Fadl, Dr. Munther, 2006, Mediator in Explaining Civil Law, a Comparative Study Between Islamic Jurisprudence and Arab and Foreign Civil Laws Reinforced by the Opinions of Jurists and Judicial Rulings, Manshorat Aras, Erbil.

XXI. Moawad, Dr. Nadia Mahmoud. 2001, Hotelier's Obligations and Rights to Guests. Dar Al-Nahdha Al-Arabia. Cairo.

XXII. Al-Sayed, Dr. Hala Hassan. 2019, Catering Service Between Theory and Practice. Musasat Alem Al-Riyadha Llnasher WaDar Al-Wafa' Ldnia Al-Teba' Wallnasher, Alexandria.

B. University Theses and Letter.

I. Al-Hamdawi, Hussein Obaid Shoawat. 2012, The Legal System of Hotel Accommodation Contract, A Comparative Study. Master's Letter, College of Law, University of Babylon.

II. Hussein, Zainab Razak. 2013, The Hotel contract a comparative study. Master's Letter, College of Law, University of Karbala.

C. Judgment Groups.

- Al-Ageeli, Hamel Lafta. 2019, Selected by The Federal Court of Cassation. Civil Division, Part One. Dar Al-Sanhouri, Beirut.

D. laws.

i. Iraqi Civil Code No. (40) of 1951.

ii. Instructions for the conditions and specifications of restaurants No. (6) of 1982 issued by the Ministry of Health.

Second: The sources are in English.

First: Books.

I. Allan Farnsworth, 2004, contracts, Fourth Edition, Aspen publishers.

II. Atiyah .P.S. and Stephen A. Smith.2005, Atiyah's Introduction to the Law of Contract. Sixth Edition, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

III. Bob Brotherton. 2012, An introduction to the UK Hospitality Industry, A Comparative Approach. Routledge Taylor &Francis Group. London.

IV. Carol Brennan. 2015, Tort law concentrate Revision and study guides. Third Edition. Oxford University Press.

V. Catherine Elliott & Frances Quinn, 2009, Contract law, Seventh Edition, Longman, PEARSON.

VI. Cathy J. Okrent. 2015, Torts and personal injury law, Fifth Edition, DELMAR.

VII. Edwin Peel and .G. H. Treitel, 2010, Treitel on the law of contract, Twelfth Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, Thomson Reuters.

VIII. Ewan McKendrick. 2015, Contract law. Eleventh Edition. Palgrave Macmillan.

IX. Ewan McKendrick. 2012, Contract Law, Text, Cases, and Materials. Fifth Edition .Oxford University Press.

X. Jack Beatson, Andrew Burrows, john cartwright. 2016, Anson's law of Contract, Thirtieth Edition, Oxford university press.

XI. Janet O' Sullivan & Jonathan Hilliard. 2016, The Law Of Contract. Seventh Edition. Oxford University Press.

XII. Jill pool. 2016, Textbook on Contract Law. Thirteenth Edition. Oxford University Press.

XIII. Jill Poole, Jame







كيفية الاقتباس

علي يونس. 2022. "عقد تقديم خدمات المطاعم في القانون الإنكليزي دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بالقانون المدني العراقي". مجلة العلوم القانونية 37 (1): 1-46. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v37i1.450.

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