المسؤولية التقصيرية الناجمة عن نقل عدوى فايروس كورونا (دراسة مقارنة)


  • المدرس الدكتور سليم عبد الله الجبوري رئيس مجلس النواب العراقي السابق



الكلمات المفتاحية:

المسؤولية المدنية، نقل العدوى، التعويض، اركان المسؤولية، أساس المسؤولية، الالتزامات القانونية


       اثارت جائحة كورونا تداعيات كثيرة على المستويات والمجالات كافة، وابرزت تساؤلات عدة لاسيما في المجال القانوني، حيث تنهض مسؤوليات كثيرة بسبب طريقة التعامل مع هذه الجائحة أو استغلالها من البعض او اهمال بعض الالتزامات المفروضة لمواجهتها. وتبرز المسؤولية المدنية باعتبارها جزءا مهما في نطاق معالجة الاثار الناجمة عن جائحة كورونا حيث يجنح البعض تعمدا او اهمالا الى الاضرار بالأخرين مما يستدعي اللجوء الى احكام المسؤولية المدنية. ويبدو أن عبأ المسؤولية المدنية لا يقع على الأفراد فحسب بل كذلك الاشخاص المعنوية الخاصة والعامة على السواء. فأثارت ظاهرة نقل عدوى هذه الجائحة سواء اهمالا او تعمدا مسؤوليات كثيرة جزائية ومدنية وتأديبية. حيث تتولى المسؤولية المدنية مهمة جبر الأضرار الناجمة عن نقل عدوى هذه الجائحة. كل ذلك استدعى البحث في وسائل نقل عدوى هذه الجائحة، والالتزامات الملقاة على الجميع في سبيل مواجهتها، والتبعات المترتبة على الإخلال بهذه الالتزامات، واساس المسؤولية الناجمة عنها.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: in Arabic

A - books

i. Al-Rashida, Ibrahim Ahmed Mohamed, 2010, Civil Responsibility of The Anesthesiologist, Matba't Shatat.

ii. Ghanem, Dr. Ismail, without publication year, The General Theory of Commitment, Provisions of Commitment, Matba't Al-Nasr.

iii. Kana'n, Dr. Ahmed, 2010, The Jurisprudence Medical Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition, Dar Al-Nafais, Amman.

iv. Bouzid, Dr. El-Din Al-Jilali, 2010, Repairing Damage Resulted From Terrorist Acts and The Rules of Administrative Responsibility, College of Law and Political Science, Jameat Al-Malk S'uod.

v. Mohamed, Dr. Amin Mustafa, 2009, Penal Code, General Section, Dar Al-Nahdha Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

vi. El Hefny, Abd Al-Hamid Othman, 2010, The General Theory of Obligations, Section Two, Jameat Al-Mansoura.

vii. Al-Hakim, Dr. Abd Al-Majeed, 2007, The Brief Explanation of Civil Law, Sources of Commitment, Al-Maktaba Al-Qanonia, Baghdad.

viii. Al-Far, Abd Al-Qader, 2009, Sources of Obligation, Sources of Personal Right in Civil Law, Dar Al-Thakafa Llnasher Waltawzea, Amman.

ix. Al-Ar’ari, Abd Al-kader, 2011, Civil Liability, third edition, Dar Al-Aman, Rabat, Morocco.

x. Al-Ar’ari, Abd Al-Qader, 2011, Sources of Obligations, Civil Liability, Volume 2, Dar Al-Aman, Rabat.

xi. Al-Sarhan, Adnan, and Khater, Nouri, 2012, Explanation of Civil Law, Sources of Personal Rights and Obligations, Fifth Edition, Dar Al-Thakafa Llnasher Waltawzea, Amman, Jordan.

xii. Filali, Ali, 2010, Obligations of Deeds Due for Compensation, 2nd Edition. Dar Movem Llnasher Waltawzea, Algeria.

xiii. Belkacem, Ali Masoud Muhammad, 2013, Explanation of The Libyan Civil and Commercial Procedures Law, Dar Ahamouda Llnasher Waltawzea, Libya.

xiv. Najida, Ali, 2010, The General Theory of Commitment, Book One, Sources of Commitment, Dar Al-Nahdha Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

xv. Abd Allah, Al-Qadhy Salman Obaid, 2009, Chosen by The Federal Court of Cassation, Civil Division, without publishing house, Baghdad.

xvi. Al-Tamawi, Dr. Suleiman, 1984, Administrative Judiciary, Compensation Judgment and Methods of Appealing Judgments, A Comparative Study, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, Cairo.

xvii. Tanago, Samir Abd Al-Sayed, Without Publication Year, Basic Principles in Commitment Theory, Sources of Commitment, Mansha'at al-Maaref, Alexandria.

xviii. Tanago, Samir Abd Al-Sayed, 2009, Sources of Obligation, First Edition, Maktabat Al-Wafa Al-Qanonia, Alexandria.

xix. Khedr, Dr. Tariq Fathallah, 2002 - 2005, Administrative Judiciary - Compensation Judiciary, Dar Al-Nahdha Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

xx. Al-Bayh, Mohsen Abd Al-Hamid, 2011, The General Theory of Obligations, Sources of Obligation, Part Two - Involuntary Sources, Dar Al-Nahdha Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

xxi. Al-Bayh, Mohsen Abd Al-Hamid, 2011, The General Theory of Obligations, Part One, Dar Al-Nahdha Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

xxii. Al-Jundi, Muhammad Sabri, 2015, in Tort - Responsibility for The Harmful Act, Volume 1, Dar Al-Thakafa, Amman.

xxiii. Al-Jundi, Muhammad Sabri, 2015, Responsibility for the Harmful Act, Volume 1, Dar Al-Thakafa, Amman.

xxiv. Siwar, Muhammad Waheed, 2010, General Trends in The Jordanian Civil Law, a Comparative study of Islamic jurisprudence.

xxv. Dr.. Abdel Latif, Muhammad, 2010, recent developments in administrative responsibility, Arab Renaissance House edition.

xxvi. Abd Al-Latif, Dr. Muhammad, 2002, Administrative Judiciary Law, Dar Al-Nahdha Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

xxvii. Saad, Nabil Ibrahim, 2012, The General Theory of Obligations, Dar Al-Jamea Al-Jadeda.

xxviii. Al-Shujairi, Nada, 2014, Effects of The Invalidity of The Contract, a comparative study, 1st Edition, Maktabat Al-Sanhoury, Baghdad.

xxix. Al-Sarhan, Nouri, 2012, Explanation of The Jordanian Civil Law, Dar Al-Thakafa Llnasher Waltawzea.

xxx. Youssef, Youssef Salah El-Din, 2008, Effects of Infectious Diseases, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, Alexandria.

B - Research:

i. Al-Da'jani, Hammoud bin Mohsen, 2020, Criminal Responsibility Arising From Infection with The Emerging corona Virus Pandemic, a Jurisprudential Study, Research Published in The Journal of the Islamic University of Sharia Sciences, No. 193.

ii. Saad, Adel Hussain, 2012, The Role of Civil Protection in Facing the Disaster and Crisis Management Method, Sharjah Police General Command - Police Research Center.

iii. Ahmed, Abd al-Salam Ahmad Bani, 2020, The Tort Responsibility of The Transmission of Infection (Coronavirus) in Jordanian law / Comparative Study, Research Published in The Annals of the University of Algiers, Volume 34, Special Issue: Law and the Covid-19 pandemic.

iv. Al Khalfi, Dr. Abd Al-Rahman, 2011, The extent of The State’s Responsibility to Compensate Crime Victims, an article published in the Sharia and Law Journal, Issue 47, July.

v. Soualem, Sofiane, 2020, Insurance Against The Risk of The Corona Virus Pandemic (Covid-19), Published Research in the Annals of the University of Algiers, Volume 32: Special Issue / Law and the Covid 19 Pandemic.

vi. Hassan, Nasreen Faleh, 2019, The Role of The World Health Organization in Dealing with the Corona Pandemic / study in The Light of International Situations, Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics and Social Sciences, No. 40.

C - Theses and Letter

i. Al-Jubouri, Iyad Ali Ahmed, 2015, Criminal Responsibility for Transmissible Crimes, a master’s Letter, College of Law / University of Mosul.

Second: Foreign Sources

i. André de LAUBADERE, 1990, «Traité élémentaire de Droitadministratifs,L.G.D.AJ.,11e éd.

ii. Bernard STIRN, 1991, «le Conseil d'Etat, son rôle, sa jurisprudence », HACHETTE.

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vi. DOSSIER THÉMATIQUE, Le Conseil d'Etat Ressources Études & publications Dossiers thématiques L'engagement de la responsabilité des hôpitaux publics.

vii. LOI n° 2020-546 du 11 mai 2020 prorogeant l'état d'urgence sanitaire et complétant ses dispositions.

viii. Loi n° 2002–303 du 4 mars 2002 relative aux droits des malades et à la qualité du

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xi. Ch. "DEBBASCH", 1982, Institutions et Droit administratif, les structures. 4 administratives", 2e ed.




كيفية الاقتباس

الجبوري سليم. 2022. "المسؤولية التقصيرية الناجمة عن نقل عدوى فايروس كورونا (دراسة مقارنة)". مجلة العلوم القانونية 37 (1): 259-95. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v37i1.456.

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