إجارة المال الشائع في ظل التشريعات الفلسطينية

دراسة مقارنة


  • أستاذ مساعد دكتور أشرف محمد حسين جامعة النجاح الوطنية - كلية القانون



الكلمات المفتاحية:

مجلة الأحكام، شيوع، مال شائع، عقد الايجار


     هدفت الدراسة الى تسليط الضوء على  أحكام اجارة المال الشائع كله أو الحصة الشائعة ، فلا تزال هذه الأحكام تثير الاشكاليات عند تطبيقاتها ، ، والواقع أنّ عقد الايجار الذي يُبْرِمُهُ الشركاء جميعاً أو أحدهم مع الغير يقوم على تبادل منفعة واضحة وهي استغلال العقار لتكون دائرة بين هؤلاء الشركاء باعتبارهم شخص واحد في نظر القانون وهو المؤجر أو من قِبَل شريك واحد منهم ، فقد قام  الباحث بمقارنة نصوص مواد مجلة الأحكام العدلية –والتي تم استقاء معظم الأحكام منها كونها المطبقة في فلسطين- مع نصوص التقنين المدني المصري رقم 131 لسنة  والق1948؛ وذلك لعمل ايجاز وتفصيل واضح بين هذين القانونين الذين يختلفان في طرحهما للموضوع وفي معالجتهما للأحكام.، وقد استخدم المنهج الوصفي التحليلي لغايات  تحقيق أهداف الدراسة ، وقد توصلت الدراسة الى مجموعة من النتائج ابرزها إنّ أعمال الادارة المعتادة التي يقوم بها الشركاء في مالهم الشائع هي جزء من حقهم في الانتفاع به، وهذه الاعمال لو قام بها شريك واحد فلا يحتاج لموافقة الشركاء ، وكان الشريك بمثابة وكيل عنهم، وان حصل وان اعترضوا عليها عدت غير صحيحة ولم تنفذ، وهذه الأعمال قد تكون أعمالاً مادية وقد تكون أعمالاً قانونية وقد أوصت الدراسة بمجموعة من التوصيات أبرزها منها  ضرورة العمل على سنّ تشريع جديد يعالج كافة الأحكام والقواعد الخاصة بالملكية الشائعة، ويقوم على تنظيم جميع صور هذه الملكية وأحكامها وقواعد قسمتها بين الشركاء.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


Arabic Books

i. Al-Kasani, Aladdin: 1406 AH -1986, Bada'i Al-Sana'i fi Artibat Al-Shari'a. C 4. 2nd edition, Beirut, Lebanon. Scientific books house.


i. Abu Al-Saud, Ramadan: 1992. Contracts called "lease contracts" in the Egyptian and Lebanese laws. without edition. Beirut. Dar Al-Jame'a.

ii. Al-Asadi, Ali Jabbar Sakeel: 2016. Common Ownership and the Rulings of Removing Commonwealth, "A Comparative Study". I 1. Jordan: Dar Al-Radwan for publication and distribution.

iii. Tango, Samir Abdel-Sayed: 1998. the lease contract. remake. Alexandria: Manshaat Dar Al-Maarif.

iv. El-Gammal, Mostafa Mohamed: 2000. The Ownership System. without edition. Cairo: Dar Al-Fath for printing, publishing and distribution.

v. Al-Hanafi, Fakhr al-Din Othman bin Ali al-Zayla'i: 2015. Explanation of the Facts in Explanation of the Treasure of Minutes, Part 5. I 1. Cairo: Al-Amiri Al-Kubra Press.

vi. Haider, Ali: 1423 AH - 2003. Pearls of rulers explaining the magazine of judgments. First volume. special edition. Arabization of lawyer Fahmy Al-Husseini. Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Dar World Books for printing, publishing and distribution.

vii. Haider, Ali: 1423 AH - 2003. Pearls of rulers explaining the magazine of judgments. First volume. special edition. Arabization of lawyer Fahmy Al-Husseini. Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Dar World Books for printing, publishing and distribution.

viii. Haider, Ali: 1423 AH - 2003. Pearls of rulers explaining the magazine of judgments. Volume III. special edition. Arabization of lawyer Fahmy Al-Husseini. Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Dar World Books for printing, publishing and distribution.

ix. Haidar, Ali: 2003. Durar Al-Hakam in Explanation of Al-Ahkam Magazine (Volume 1) “Sales, Rents, Guarantee”. special edition. Saudi Arabia: Dar Alam Al-Kutub for printing, publishing and distribution.

x. Khalil, Ahmed Mahmoud: 2007. common money management and disposal. I 1. Alexandria: The Modern University Office.

xi. Al-Darawi, Fahmy and Al-Tantawi, Tariq: 1998. The lease contract in civil law according to the latest views of Egyptian and French jurisprudence. without edition. Cairo: Center for Research and Legal Studies.

xii. Al-Sarhan, Adnan Ibrahim: 2009. Explanation of Civil Law: Contracts called "contracting, agency, guarantee". 1st edition. Jordan: House of Culture for publication and distribution.

xiii. Saad, Ayman: 2012-2013, The Powers of the Owner over the Commonwealth in the Use and Exploitation of Common Money "A Comparative Study. Cairo - Egypt. Arab Renaissance House.

xiv. Saad, Nabil Ibrahim: 2010. original rights in kind. 3rd Edition. Beirut: Al-Halabi Human Rights Publications.

xv. Al-Saud, Ramadan Muhammad: Explanation of the provisions of civil law named contracts. Section III. Previous reference. p. 710.

xvi. Al-Saud, Ramadan Muhammad: 2010. Explanation of the provisions of the civil law named contracts. Section III. Beirut. Al-Halabi Human Rights Publications.

xvii. Al-Sanhouri, Abd al-Razeq Ahmed: 1960. The Mediator in Explanation of Civil Law Part 1, "Sources of Commitment in General." Revised edition. Beirut: Arab Heritage Revival House.

xviii. Al-Sanhouri, Abd al-Razzaq Ahmad: 1963. The Mediator in Explanation of Civil Law, Part 6: Rent and Borrowing (Volume One). without edition. Beirut: Arab Heritage Revival House.

xix. Al-Sanhouri, Abd al-Razzaq Ahmad: 1968. The Mediator in the Explanation of Civil Law Part 9: Reasons for Acquiring Ownership with the Original In-kind Rights Deriving from Ownership "The Usufruct Right, the Right of Easement". Revised edition. Beirut: Arab Heritage Revival House.

xx. Al-Sada, Abdel Moneim Farag: 1967. The original in-kind rights, "the right of ownership." i2. Cairo: Mustafa Al-Babi Al-Halabi Library and Printing Press.

xxi. Tolba, Anwar: 2018. The Common Ownership. i2. Cairo: The Modern University Office.

xxii. Abdel-Baqi, Abdel-Fattah: Provisions of the Egyptian Civil Law: Lease Contract / General Provisions. Part 1. Egypt. Arab Book House Press.

xxiii. Abdul Rahman, Hamdi: 1974-1975. lease contract. Egypt. Arab Thought House.

xxiv. Al-Obaidi, Ali Hadi: 2002. Explanation of the provisions of the Landlords and Tenants Law in light of the Court of Cassation's ruling. I 1. Jordan: National Center for Publishing.

xxv. Al-Obeidi, Ali Hadi: 2010. Al-Wajeez in explaining the civil law, "Rights in kind." 7th edition. Jordan: House of Culture for publication and distribution.

xxvi. Arafa, Abdel-Wahhab: 1999, Comprehensive in the right of ownership and original and consequential in-kind rights. I 1. Alexandria: Technical Bureau of Legal Encyclopedias.

xxvii. Al-Alfi Abdullah: 2002, the provisions of the lease contract. Sana'a. House of Contemporary Thought,

xxviii. Al-Amrousi, Anwar: 1999. Ownership and the reasons for gaining it in the civil law “community, division, divorces, neighborhood rights, appropriation, inheritance, liquidation of the estate, will, adhesion, contract, preemption, possession, usufruct, use and housing, the right of monopoly, the right of easement in the light of jurisprudence and judiciary. I 1. Cairo: Dar Mahmoud for publication and distribution.

xxix. Faiza, M. Makhazini: 2005. Partner's Behavior in Common Money, "A Comparative Study". A magister message that is not published. Mohamed Bouguerra Boumerdes University. Algeria.

xxx. Kamel, Ramadan Jamal: 1997. Eviction of the tenant in the laws of agricultural reform and renting places in accordance with the latest legislation. I 1. Cairo: Al Alfy Legal Library.

xxxi. Kaira, Hassan: 1998. The Concise Concerning the Provisions of the Civil Law, “The Original Real Rights: Their Provisions and Sources.” 1st Edition. Alexandria: Manshaat Al-Maarif House.

xxxii. Al-Nashar, Jamal Khalil: 2000. The partner's disposal of common money and its impact on the partners' rights. without edition. Alexandria: New University Publishing House.

xxxiii. Yakan, Zuhdi: lease contract. without edition. Beirut: Al-Asriyya Library Publications. No mention of the year of publication.

-Theses and Researches

i. Faiza, M. Makhazini: 2005. Partner's Behavior in Common Money, "A Comparative Study". A magister message that is not published. Mohamed Bouguerra Boumerdes University. Algeria.

-Third: Laws

i. code of Justice Rulings for the year 1876.

ii. Egyptian Civil Code No. 131 of 1948.

iii. Custody of Egyptian Money Law No. 119 of 1952.

iv. Landlords and Tenants Law No. 62 of 1953.

v. Jordanian Civil Law No. 43 of 1976.

vi. Israeli Military Order No. 1271 of 1989.

vii. Palestinian Civil Law Draft No. 4 of 2012.

-Fourth: Court Rulings:

i. Judgment of the Egyptian Court of Cassation in Human Rights Appeal No. 2705, Judicial Section 81.

ii. Judgment of the Egyptian Court of Cassation in Appeal No. 17112, Judicial Section 82, issued on 6/17/2015.

iii. Judgment of the Egyptian Court of Cassation in Appeal No. 5/52 S issued on 10/6/1987.

iv. Judgment of the Palestinian Court of Cassation in Human Rights Case No. 151/2018 issued on 3/31/2021.

v. Judgment of the Palestinian Court of Cassation in human rights case No. 207/2005, dated 11/14/2006.

vi. The ruling of the Palestinian Court of Cassation in human rights case No. 407/2016, which was issued on 27/11/2018.

vii. Palestinian Court of Cassation ruling No. 99/2020 dated 3/21/2021.

viii. Judgment of the Court of Appeal held in Ramallah in human rights case No. 19/1994 issued on 24/2/1994.

-Fifth: Internet Addresses:

i. Maqam website: Encyclopedia of Palestinian Laws and Court Rulings: https://maqam.najah.edu/judgments/3674/

ii. Al-Muqtafi website: http://muqtafi.birzeit.edu/courtjudgments/CJFullText.aspx?CJID=51928.

iii. Egyptian Court of Cassation website: https://www.cc.gov.eg/civil_judgments.

iv. Qanon website: http://www.qanon.ps/news.php?action=view&id=14518







كيفية الاقتباس

حسين أشرف. 2023. "إجارة المال الشائع في ظل التشريعات الفلسطينية : دراسة مقارنة". مجلة العلوم القانونية 38 (1): 511-36. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v38i1.613.

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