الهبة في القانون الإنكليزي دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بالقانون المدني العراقي


  • الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور يونس صلاح الدين علي جامعة جيهان الخاصة - كلية القانون والعلاقات الدولية والدبلوماسية



الكلمات المفتاحية:

الهبة، الهبة بين الأحياء، الهبة بسبب توقع الموت، تصرف غير تعاقدي، مقابل الإلتزام


تعد الهبة في القانون الإنكليزي تصرفاً قانونياً إرادياً غير تعاقدي ينقل ملكية الشيء الموهوب من الواهب إلى الموهوب له دون مقابل أو على سبيل التبرع. إن إفتقار الهبة إلى متطلب أو شرط المقابل هو السبب في عدم تصنيفها ضمن نطاق العقد. وتصنف الهبة في القانون الانكليزي الى نوعين: الأول هو الهبة بين الأحياء, والثاني الهبة بسبب توقع الموت, وتسري الهبة بين الأحياء على المنقول والعقار على حد سواء, خلافاً للهبة بسبب توقع الموت, التي تسري على المنقول فقط من دون العقار. وبالمقابل فقد نظم القانون المدني العراقي رقم (40) لسنة 1951 الهبة وعدها عقداً من العقود المسماة, التي تنعقد إما بعوض أو بدون عوض. وترتب العديد من الآثار القانونية.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: Sources in Arabic.

a. Islamic jurisprudence books

i. Mr. Sistani. Ali Al-Husseini, 1434 AH - 2013 AD. Minhaj Al-Salehin. Transactions. section One. Fatwas of His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani (may his soul be exalted). The second part. House of the Arab Historian. Beirut, Lebanon.

ii. Sheikh Nizam and a group of prominent Indian scholars. 2000. The Indian fatwas known as the worldly fatwas in the doctrine of the greatest Imam Abu Hanifa al-Numan. Part Six. Library science, Beirut. Lebanon.

iii. Fern. Shams al-Din, 1989. Al-Mabsut. Part Twelve. House knowledge, Beirut.

iv. The grandson. Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Rushd, 1415 AH. The beginning of the diligent and the end of the frugal. part Four. First edition. Ibn Taymiyyah Library. Cairo.

v. Dr.. Al-Zuhaili, Wahba, 1985. Islamic jurisprudence and its evidence, comprehensive of legal evidence, sectarian opinions, the most important jurisprudential theories, verification of the Prophetic hadiths and their grading, and alphabetical indexing of topics and the most important jurisprudential issues, Part Eight, second edition, Dar Al-Fikr for Printing, Distribution and Publishing in Damascus.

B. Legal books.

i. Dr.. Al-Kubaisi. Ahmed, 2009. Personal status in jurisprudence, judiciary and law. Wills, inheritances and endowments. The second part. Atak to the book industry. Cairo.

ii. A king. Edmund S., 1954. An Explanation of English Law in Eight Parts. First edition. Misr Press is an Egyptian joint stock company.

iii. Dr.. Al-Khatib, Hassan Abdel-Ghani, 2012. Public Law, Zein Law Publications, Beirut, Lebanon.

iv. Dr.. Sins. Hassan Ali, Principles of Commitment. Knowledge Press. Baghdad. 1970.

v. Dr. Dara Hammad. 2016. The General Theory of Commitments. section One. Commitment sources. Al-Sanhouri Library. Beirut.

vi. Dr.. Khattab, Tolba Wahba, 1979. Opposite of obligation to promise in Anglo-American law, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi.

vii. Dr.. Al-Sanhouri. Abdul Razzaq Ahmed, 2004. The mediator in explaining the civil law. Fifth part. Contracts related to ownership, gifts, partnerships, loans, permanent income, and reconciliation. Knowledge facility in Alexandria.

viii. Dr.. Altermanini. Abdel Salam, 1982. Comparative law, major contemporary legal approaches. Kuwait University Publications. Second Edition.

ix. Dr. Al Hakeem. Abdel Majeed, 1963. A summary of the explanation of civil law. The first part is about the sources of commitment. With comparison to Islamic jurisprudence. National Publishing and Publishing Company. Baghdad.

x. Dr. Al Hakeem. Abdel Majeed, 1967. The mediator in the theory of the contract, with a comparison and balance between the theories of Western jurisprudence and their counterparts in Islamic jurisprudence and Iraqi civil law. The first part is in concluding the contract. National Publishing and Publishing Company. Baghdad.

xi. Dr.. Al Hakeem. Abdel Majeed, 1991. Consideration as a pillar of the contract in Anglo-American law. Baghdad.

xii. Dr.. Al-Saadi. Abd al-Malik bin Abd al-Rahman, 2005. Among the contracts transferring ownership is sale and gift, and the ruling on the lost woman and the foundling, a comparative jurisprudential study. Dar Al-Fath for Studies and Publishing, Jordan.

xiii. Dr.. Bakr. Ismat Abdel Majeed, 2019. Al-Wajeez in so-called civil contracts, barter, gift, loan, permanent income, and reconciliation. Zain Legal Publications. Beirut, Lebanon.

xiv. Dr.. Al-Anbeki. Majeed Hamid, 2001. Principles of Contract in English Law. The two rivers university.

xv. Al-Abyany. Muhammad Zaid, 1920. Explanation of the legal rulings on personal status. Dar Al Nahda Press, Cairo.

xvi. glorious. Mustafa, 2008. Explanation of the Real Estate Registration Law No. 43 of 1971. Part Three. Second Edition. Atak to the book industry. Cairo.

xvii. Dr.. Favor. Munther, 2006. The mediator in explaining the civil law. A comparative study between Islamic jurisprudence and Arab and foreign civil laws, supported by jurisprudential opinions and judicial rulings. Aras Publications. Erbil.

xviii. Dr.. Al-Zahili. Wahba, 1987. Contracts named in the UAE Civil Transactions Law and the Jordanian Civil Law. Dar Al-Fikr for Printing, Distribution and Publishing, Damascus. First edition.

xix. Dr.. Al-Zahili. Wahba, 1985. Islamic jurisprudence and its evidence, comprehensive of legal evidence, sectarian opinions, the most important jurisprudential theories, verification and graduation of the Prophetic hadiths, and an alphabetical indexing of topics and the most important jurisprudential issues. Fifth part. Second Edition. Dar Al-Fikr for printing, distribution and publishing. Damascus.

C- Collections of judicial rulings.

i. Al-Tamimi. Saad Jaryan, 2018. Legal principles in the judiciary of the Federal Court of Cassation - Civil Section - for the years 2016-2017. Al-Sanhouri Library. Beirut.

D- Laws.

i. Iraqi Civil Law No. (40) of 1951.

ii. Iraqi Real Estate Registration Law No. (43) of 1971

Second: Sources in English.

First: Books.

i. Alastair Hudson. 2010. Equity and Trusts. Sixth Edition. Routledge. Cavendish. Taylor & Francis Group. London and New York.

ii. Alison Clarke & Paul Kohler. 2005. Property Law, Commentary and Materials. First Edition. Cambridge University Press.

iii. Atiyah .P.S. and Stephen A. Smith. 2005. Atiyah's Introduction to the Law of Contract. Sixth Edition. Clarendon Press. Oxford.

iv. Barlow Burke and Joseph Snoe. Property, 2016. Examples and Explanations . Fifth Edition. Wolters Kluwer. New York.

v. Ben McFarlane, Nicholas Hopkins, and Sarah Nield. 2012. Land Law Text cases and Materials. Oxford University Press. Second Edition.

vi. Chris Davies. 2015. Property Law Guidebook. Second Edition. Oxford University Press.

vii. Daniel F. Hinkel. 2008. Practical Real Estate Law. Fifth Edition . West Legal Studies. New York.

viii. Edwin Peel and .G. H. Treitel. 2010. Treitel on The law of contract, Twelfth Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, Thomson Reuters.

ix. E. H Burn and J. Cartwright. 2006. Cheshire and Burn's Modern law of Real Property. Seventeenth Edition. Oxford University Press.

x. James Penner & Henry E. Smith. 2013. Philosophical Foundations of Property Law. First Edition. Oxford University Press.

xi. Jerry L. Anderson, Daniel B. Bogart. 2019. Property Law, Practice, Problems and Perspectives. Second Edition. Wolters Kluwer.

xii. John Duddington. 2011. Land Law. Third Edition. Longman, Pearson Education Limited. London.

xiii. Kevin Gray and Susan Francis Gray. 2009. Elements of Land Law. Fifth Edition. Oxford University Press.

xiv. Martin Dixon. 2002. Principles of Land Law. Fourth Edition. Cavendish Publishing Limited. London.

xv. Michael Furmston. 2007. Cheshire, Fifoot & Furmston’s Law of Contract. Fifteenth edition. Oxford University Press.

xvi. Michael Bridge. 2015. Personal Property Law. Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press.

xvii. Peter Sparkes. 2003. A New Land Law. Second Edition. Hart Publishing. Portland, Oregon.

xviii. Paul Richards, 1999. law of contract. Fourth Edition, Financial Times. Pitman Publishing.

xix. Robert Duxbury, 2001. Nutshells contract Law. Fifth Edition, Sweet and Maxwell.

xx. Rojer J. Smith. 2014. Property Law. Eighth Edition.PEARSON Education Limited. London.

xxi. Rojer J. Smith. 2012. Property Law: Cases and Materials. Fifth Edition. Pearson Education Limited. Essex England.

xxii. Rojer J. Smith. Introduction to Land Law. Second Edition. Longman Pearson Education Limited. 2010.

xxiii. Steven L. Emanuel. 2017. Emanuel law outlines. Property. Ninth Edition. Wolters Kluwer. New York.

Second: Laws

i. The Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989 .

ii. The law of property Act 1925.

iii. The Companies Act 2006.

Third: legal studies& pieces of research

- Dan E. Stigall. 2006. Iraqi Civil Law: Its Sources, Substance, and Sundering. Journal of Transnational Law & Policy. Volume 16. Number 1.

Fourth: Internet websites

i. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strong_v_Bird

ii. https://www.casebriefs.com/blog/law/property/property-law-keyed-to-cribbet/donative-transfers/scherer-v-hyland/

iii. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_v_Times_Book_Co

iv. https://swarb.co.uk/dewar-v-dewar-chd-1975/




كيفية الاقتباس

علي يونس. 2023. "الهبة في القانون الإنكليزي دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بالقانون المدني العراقي". مجلة العلوم القانونية 38 (2): 167-206. https://doi.org/10.35246/kqj6w311.

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