The criterion of distinction between the international treaty And the Convention
international treaty, the ConventionAbstract
This research is an important topic criterion to distinguish between the Treaty and the Convention, Which is divided into the following;
First topic; The nature of the treaty, Where we dealt with the definition of the treaty, and we explained the conditions of the formal and objective, and we focused on explaining the provisions of the incomplete ratification and its legal effects, and we walked to the handle of the world champions not to under- ratification of the treaty.
The second topic; publicize the Convention, and explained in this section the concept of ratification is conditional upon during the treaty negotiations stage, we have reached an important result is that ratification is conditional upon during the negotiation explicitly or implicitly is proof that the negotiators path heading to an agreement is not a treaty, then we have identified how to distinguish between the Treaty and Convention ,and we determined that the standard distinction between the two is a corner of ratification, the international Agreement is ratified agreement is not a treaty.
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ثالثاً: المواثيق والانظمة الدولية:
I. ميثاق الامم المتحدة،المادة ( 102/ 1).
II. النظام الاساس لمحكمة العدل الدولية،المادة ( 38).
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I. اتفاقية فينا لقانون المعاهدات لسنة 1969،المادةالثانية.
II. اتفاقية انسحاب الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية من العراق،المادة ( 30/ 4).
خامساً: الدساتير:
I. دستورجمهورية العراق لسنة 2005 النافذ،المادة ( 80/ سادساً).
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