أحكام الشارة المميزة في القانون الدولي الإنساني


  • هادي نعيم المالكي College of Law/ university of Baghdad




الشارة المميزة, القانون الدولي الإنساني


Thousands of victims of disasters, wars and armed conflicts Found in the emblems of the Red Cross and Red Crescent as a safe haven that protects these victims from violence, and extend a helping hand in the midst of adversity, and a symbol of humanity. However, these symbols which used to protect members of the military medical services during the wars, and a hallmark of the members of the Red Crescent and Red Cross in peace, were at the same time a reason to raise real difficulties because of the multiplicity of these badges, as the significance of religious insignia to create a situation of bias of Islamic and Christian countries at the expense of other religions. This re-search, aim to study and analyze the current status quo and offer the project - drafted, proposed by the states and was adopted by the movement in order to reach to a comprehensive solution to the question of the emblem.


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How to Cite

المالكي هادي نعيم. 2020. “أحكام الشارة المميزة في القانون الدولي الإنساني”. Journal of Legal Sciences 29 (2): 190-213. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v29i2.266.

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