The theoretical framework for the criminalization and punishment within the scope of government contracts A study of Iraqi law

دراسة في القانون العراقي


  • نوار دهام مطر كلية القانون _ جامعة البيان



التجريم, العقاب


The contract valuable by itself cannot be a source of punishment, but the legislator penal has estimated the seriousness of the breach of some contracts entered into by the official bodies or government with each other or with third- party view of the consequent adverse effects on the administration itself and the beneficiary citizen of the commodity or service  subject of the contract therefore the legislator criminalizing bribery, fraud ,forgery and illegal use of contracts or compromising the freedom and safety of bids or tenders abuse of public office intent to damage public or private interest accordingly , this research deal with for the theoretical framework criminalization and punishment within the scope of government contracts in the three demands , first we assigned to the definition of government contracts and the second substantive provisions of the criminalization and punishment, and the third we assigned to the procedural provisions according to the light of Iraqi laws relevant actions and irregularities with criminal intent or with error positive for liability and penalty then we finished conclusion contained a number of recommendation .   


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المواقع الالكترونية :-
1ـ موقع هيئة النزاهة : Http// تاريخ الدخول 15/9/2016 .
2- موقع مجلس القضاء الاعلى : Http// تاريخ الدخول 15/9/2016 .




How to Cite

مطر نوار دهام. 2017. “The Theoretical Framework for the Criminalization and Punishment Within the Scope of Government Contracts A Study of Iraqi Law: دراسة في القانون العراقي”. Journal of Legal Sciences 32 (2).

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