Economic Demobilization
Economic DemobilizationAbstract
The achievement of continuity and stability in the work of some categories of workers, particularly the weak ones, are among the most important problems faced by modern social legislation, especially in the light of the multiplicity of methods and methods of employers in circumventing the law to get rid of them in this document for reasons that the legislator and the judiciary can not prevent. In this research, the issue of the dismissal of workers with disabilities as vulnerable groups of workers and because they are more likely to lose the job opportunities they have obtained after their training and adequate rehabilitation by the competent authorities and associations and that this demobilization is for various reasons, Eddie and other unusual.
The economic problems facing the establishment are considered one of the most important reasons for the dismissal of workers, especially the vulnerable groups, which are excluded from this category on the pretext of low returns and the cost of their expensive work and to reduce the expenses incurred by the project as a result of their work, but this worker may hide and draw discrimination and inequality between Workers to work for the disposal of workers with disabilities or women workers or child laborers without other workers. Therefore, the modern social legislation examined a means of framing this type of demobilization and finding means to protect these groups and the appropriate protection for them.
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