Vol. 35 No. 4 (2020): Special Issue Second Part_2020

Special Issue of Research by Lecturers with Post-graduate Students/ Second Part

Published: 2021-04-10

Special Issues

  • Criminal Order and its Role in Ending the Criminal Case Comparative Study

    دريد وليد نزال, م.م., جمال ابراهيم الحيدري, أ.د.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.355
  • Legal basis of the innkeeper obligation to ensure the physical safety of the guest in Iraqi and Egyptian law A comparative study with the French and English laws

    سعد حسون نهاي, جليل حسن الساعدي, أ.د.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.356
  • Substitution as a consequence of liability arising from breach of the promise of preference A comparative study

    عمر مال الله شرقي, حسين عبدالله عبد الرضا, أ.د.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.357
  • The role of constitutional judiciary in the protection of academic freedom in Iraq Comparative study

    سارة فاضل عباس, مها بهجت يونس, أ.د.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.358
  • The Personal Consideration and Its Effect on Transferring the Right in Options to the Successor

    نور اياد حسن, حميد سلطان علي, أ.د.
    153 - 200
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.359
  • Legal regulation of the central bank of Iraq comparative study

    امير حسن زغير, بان صلاح عبد القادر, أ.م.د.
    201 - 234
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.360
  • The role of the court in invoking danger in criminal proceedings

    رشا علي كاظم, كاظم عبد الله الشمري, أ.م.د.
    234 - 254
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.361
  • Time of Transmission of the loss in international sales Study accordance of Iraqi law& un convention on contracts for the international sale of goods (Vienna 1980)

    عبد الله عبد السادة جودة, خالص نافع امين, أ.م.د.
    255 - 280
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.362
  • Medical identification in mass graves and its role in criminal evidence

    علي مسلم جوني, صباح سامي داود, أ.م.د.
    280 - 316
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.363
  • Enter production sharing contract for oil (P.S.C)

    فاروق عز الدين خلف, وليد مرزة المخزومي, أ.م.د.
    317 - 367
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.364
  • Conditions of candidacy for the House of Representatives under the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for 2005 An analytical study

    علي عبيد ثوني, مصدق عادل طالب, أ.م.د.
    368 - 409
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.365
  • Judicial control over the decisions of separation of heads of administrative units in Iraq

    عبدالرسول قحطان عبد الرزاق, تغريد محمد قدوري, أ.م.د.
    410 - 434
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.366
  • disguised reservations

    وادي حسين موسى, مصطفى سالم عبد, أ.م.د.
    435 - 460
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.367
  • The legal basis for international cooperation in suppressing the crime of financing terrorism

    اثير حسن عبيد, سرمد عامر عباس, أ.م.د.
    461 - 490
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v35i4.368