الحُكم الرشيد بين إصلاح العمل البرلماني وبيوت الخبرة الحزبية


  • الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور محمد عزت فاضل جامعة الموصل - كلية الحقوق



الكلمات المفتاحية:

اصلاح، برلمان، تطوير، الخبرة، أحزاب


تميل فكرة اصلاح العمل البرلــماني الى تقليل وظائف البرلمان لصالح سلطة الحكومة كنتيجة لعدم كفاءته في مناقشة الموضوعات المعاصرة ولا سيما في النظم التي تعاني من غياب أغلبية سياسية واتجاه الأحزاب الى تحقيق مصالحها، وبالتالي جعل اختصاص البرلمان محصور في البت بالقضايا الاساسية كتلك المتعلقة بحقوق الإنسان وفق معيار موضوعي، ووضع التشريعات الاطارية. ويساعد توفير الحاجة المعرفية للنواب في تحقيق نقاش بناء، وقوانين تحقق الأثر التشريعي الفاعل من خلال وجود بيوت خبرة تدعم جهود النواب في العمل البرلماني.

وتحمل بيوت الخبرة الحزبية اثراً ايجابياً من حيث ثبات الاغلبية السياسية والمعارضة والتوازن بينهما.  لكن معلوماتها يغلب علها الجانب غير العلمي والسرية، وهيمنة النزعة البيروقراطية داخل الحزب. ومن الافضل الزام الاحزاب باتباع الشفافية؛ كي تكون خدمات بيوت خبرتها معلومة للجميع، بالإضافة الى اقامة برامج دورية لندوات وورش عمل لمجموع النواب تتولى اقامتها بيوت الخبرة التشريعية في القضايا الهامة كي لا يكون النائب اسيراً معلومات حزبه.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: The Books

i. Darwish, Dr. Ibrahim, 1969, The State, Its Theory and Organization, Dar Al-Nahdha, Cairo.

ii. Tawfiq, Ashraf Mustafa, The Opposition, Dar Al-Arabi Llnasher Waltawxea', Cairo.

iii. Silk, Paul, and Waltz, Rudy, 2004, How Parliament Works, translated by: Dr. El-Sawy, Ali, Maktabat Al-Shorouk Al-Dawlia, Cairo.

iv. Al-Madini, Tawfiq, 1997, Civil Society and the Political State in the Arab World, Ithad Al-Kuttab Al-Arab, Syria.

v. Badawi, Dr. Tharwat, 1972, Political Systems, Dar Al-Nahdha Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

vi. Mill, Jon Stewart, Parliamentary Governments, Translated by: Emile Al-Ghouri, Dar Al-Yaqdah Al-Arabiya Llta'lef Waltarjama Walnasher, Syria.

vii. Spane, George H., The Evolution of Political Thought, Book One, Translated by: Hassan Jalal Al-Arousi, Dar Al-Ma'ref Llnasher Waltawzea.

viii. Al-Hindawi, Dr. Jawad, 2010, Constitutional Law and Political Systems, 1st Edition, Dar Al-Ma'ref Llmatboat, Beirut.

ix. Mahmoud, Khaled Walid, 2013, The Role of Research Centers in the Arab World: The Current Reality and Conditions for Transition to Greater Effectiveness, Al-Markez Al-Arabi L-Abhath Waderasat Al-siasa, Doha, Qatar, January.

x. El-Desouky, Dr. Raafat, 2006, The Executive Authority's Dominance of Parliament's Business, Mansha't Al-Ma'rf, Alexandria.

xi. Metwally, Abd Al-Hamid, 1954, The Crisis of Democratic Systems, Dar Al-Talib Llnasher Waltawzea, Alexandria.

xii. Suleiman, Dr. Issam, 2010, Parliamentary Systems Between Theory and Practice, 1st Edition, Manshorat Al-Halabi Al-Hoqoia, Beirut.

xiii. Al-Taan, Abd Al-Reza, 2001, The Concentration of Political Power in Favor of the Executive in Developed Societies - France Model, Manshorat Jamea't Qar Younis, Benghazi.

xiv. Al-Ghali, Dr. Kamal, 1978, Principles of Constitutional Law and Political Systems, Dar Al-Uruba Llnasher Waltawzea, Damascus.

xv. Schmidt, Carl, 2008, The Crisis of Parliaments, Translated by: Fadel Jutcker, 1st Edition, Dar Drasat Iraqi.

xvi. DeVergerie, Morris, 2011, Political Parties, Translated by: Ali Makled and Abd Al-Mohsen Saad, Al-Hai'a Al-Ama Lqusour Al-Thakafa, Cairo.

xvii. Al-Majzoub, Muhammad, 1972, Studies in Politics and Parties, 1st Edition, Manshorat Oweidat, Beirut.

xviii. Hammurabi Center for Research and Strategic Studies, 2008, The Iraqi Strategic Report, Baghdad.

xix. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Venice Commission, 2011, Guidelines for the Organization of Political Parties, osce odihr office, Poland.

xx. Spronva, Marina, 2012, Constitutional Transformations in Iraq, Translated by: Dr. Faleh Al-Hamdani, 1st Edition, Safahat Llnasher Waltawzea, Syria.

xxi. Al-Shawi, Dr. Munther, 2016, Human and Justice, 1st Edition, Al-Zakera Llnasher Waltawzea, Baghdad.

xxii. Al-Khatib, Dr. Numan, 1994, Political Parties and Their Role in Contemporary Government Systems, Manshorat Jamea't Mutah, Jordan.

xxiii. Kelly, Norm, and Sivacor, Ashiyagpur, Political Parties and Democracy in Theory and Practice, Parliamentary Group, Al-Ma'had Al-Demukraty Al-Watany, Washington.

xxiv. Lasky, Harold, The Dilemma of Democracy, Part 1, Matabea Sharikat Al-E'lanat Al-Sharqia, Cairo.

Second: Letter and Theses:

i. Hadi, Ahmed Yahya, 2010, The Oversight Role of the Iraqi Parliament After 2003, Master's Thesis, College of Political Science, University of Baghdad.

ii. Jamal Al-Din, Ben Omair, 2005 - 2006, The problem of implementing democracy within the Algerian parties during the experience of contemporary pluralism, Master's Letter, Ben Youssef Ben Khedda University - Algeria / College of Political Sciences and Media.

iii. Abd Allah, Shadia Fathy Ibrahim, 1997, The Political Role of the Legislative Institution in Egypt, Doctoral Thesis, College of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University.

iv. Saad, Huda Muhammad Al-Shahed, 2008, Capacity Building and Parliament Development, Master's Letter, College of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.

Third: Domains

i. Daghman, Dr. Al-Mahdi Al-Shaibani, 2014, Political Parties (Sociological Turning), Al-Jamiah Journal, Center for Research, Scientific Consultations and Training / Al-Zawiya University - Libya, Vol. 1, No. 16, February.

ii. Al-Bandari, Dr. Jalal, 2002, Activating the Role of Parliament and its Need for Expert Houses, Journal of Legal and Economic Research, College of Law, Cairo University, January.

iii. Muhammad, Dr. Shaaban Abdullah, 2013, Democracy From The Absurdity of The Concept to The Fragility of The Application, Hermes Journal, Cairo University Center for Foreign Languages and Translation, Vol. 2, Vol. 1, January.

iv. Rachid, Larkem, 2017, Electoral Systems and Their Impact on Political Parties in Algeria, Mentouri University Constantine - College of Law, 2005-2006.

v. Kazem, Dr. Muhammad Karim, Shallal, Mazen Hamid, Research Centers and Their Role in Decision-Making and Achieving National Security, Journal of Political Issues, College of Political Science, Al-Nahrain University, Issue 50.

vi. Al-Husseini, Nasr Muhammad Ali, 2012, The Party System and Its Impact on The Performance of The Political System of The United States of America (case study of the war on Iraq 2003), PhD Thesis, College of Political Science - Al-Nahrain University.

Fourth: Sources on The Internet:

i. A research entitled (Parliamentary rationalization controls and their effects on parliamentary work), published on 9/4/2019 on the following website: https://draft.blogger.com/profile/10171214778574889202.

ii. Al-Ardawi, Dr. Khaled Aliwi, Research Centers in Iraq, Their Legal Organization and Political Role, Research Published on 10/6/2018 on The Nabaa Information Network website: https://annabaa.org/arabic/studies/16799.

iii. Al-Khazdar, Dr. Sami, Role of Think Tanks and Studies in Scientific Research and Policy-Making, Research Published on 22 November 2019 on the following website: http://arabprf.com/?p=1963.

iv. Mziad, Daha Mohammed, The Role of Think Tanks in Connecting the Present and the Future, Report Published May 23, 2020 on the Website of the Arab Center for Research and Studies/Cairo: http://www.acrseg.com/41617.

v. Abd AlQader, Dr. Abd Al-A'li, Lectures on Comparative Political Systems, Saida Damulai Taher University, Algeria 2007-2008, Published on the following website: http://www.slideshare.net/.

vi. William, Monica, Partisan Defections: Study of Cases of Egyptian Parties, Arab Center for Research and Studies, Report published on August 2, 2016 on the following website: http://www.acrseg.org.

vii. Al-Hikma Center for Studies, Research and Consulting/Legal Studies Unit, The Need for Legalization. Read in Conflicting Licenses of Arab Think Tanks, Strategic Decision Journal, Al Hikma Center for Studies, Research and Consulting, Volume 2, Research Published in August 2020 on the following website: https://www.alhekmh.com.kw/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/The Need-for-legalization.pdf

Fifth: Constitutions :

i. U.S.A. Constitution of 1787.

ii. The French Constitution of 1958.

iii. Brazil's Constitution 1988 amended.

iv. Constitution of Colombia 1991.

v. Constitution of Ghana 1992.

vi. Constitution of Uruguay 1992.

vii. Constitution of Kazakhstan 1995.

viii. Constitution of South Africa 1996.

ix. Constitution of Venezuela 1999.

x. Constitution of the Republic of Iraq 2005.

xi. Ecuador Constitution 2008.

xii. Bolivia's Constitution of 2009.

xiii. Constitution of the Republic of Egypt 2014.

- Sources in English

Firstly; THE BOOK;

i. André Bächtiger، Debate and Deliberation in Parliament، Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies، Oxford: Oxford University Press.

ii. Norm Kelly and Sefakor Ashiagbor، 2011, Political Parties and Democracy in Theoretical and Practical Perspectives، National Democratic Institute، Washington.

iii. National Democratic Institute (NDI)، 2006, How does a Member of Parliament act? Parliamentarians’ Orientation Manual، Netherlands.

iv. Jean-Fran¸ cois Godbout and Bjørn Høyland، 2013, Parties and Voting in Parliament، Paper presented at the Center for Study of Democratic Politics workshop Princeton University December 12.

v. Josh Maiyo، 2008, Political parties and inra-party democracy in east Africa From Representative to Participatory Democracy،Thesis Master of Philosophy in African studies، Africa Studies Centre، Leiden University، August.

Secondly; journals;

i. Jonathan Malloy، 2003, High Discipline، Low Cohesion? The Uncertain Patterns of Canadian Parliamentary Party Groups، The Journal of Legislative Studies، Vol.9، No.4، Winter.

Thirdly; The Internet

i. Abdolreza Noroozi Chakoli، The role of Parliamentary libraries in increasing citizens' access to knowledge and its barriers in the developing countries، A published report In 26/07/2010 on the website follows; www .conference.ifla.org/

ii. Christopher J. Kam، Party Discipline and Parliamentary Politics، Cambridge University Press،.Posted on 20/1/2021 on the following website file:///C:/Users/acer/Downloads/9780521518291_excerpt.pdf

iii. Manuel SANCHEZ DE DIOS، Different comparative approaches in the study of parliaments By،Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Spain. Research published on the following website: https://www.ucm.es/data/cont/docs/862-2014-06-21-PADEMIA-1.pdf

iv. Lucie Lecomte، Party Discipline and Free Votes، Published research in website of PARLIAMENT OF CANADA on 20/1/2021

v. https://bdp.parl.ca/sites/PublicWebsite/default/en_CA/ResearchPublications/201826EHouse of Commons Information Office، The House of Commons and the right to vote Factsheet G1،General Series، August 2010. Report published on the following website; https://www.parliament.uk/documents/commons information-office/g01.pdf

vi. Dr. Fernando García،Prof. dr. Yaw Saffu and Dr. Daniel Zovatto، 2004, A Fram Ework For Democratic Party-building، The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy، The Hague، published online ;www.aceproJect.org.

vii. From Principle to Practice: 2004, Constitutional Principles and the Transformation of Party Finance in Germany and Italy، Singapore Management University، Research published ، on the site follows: http://ink.library.smu.edu.sg/




كيفية الاقتباس

فاضل محمد. 2022. "الحُكم الرشيد بين إصلاح العمل البرلماني وبيوت الخبرة الحزبية". مجلة العلوم القانونية 37 (1): 77-110. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v37i1.452.

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