خصوصية التنفيذ الجبري في القانون الانكليزي


  • المدرس الدكتورة نورس عباس العبُّودي الجامعة العراقية - كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية



الكلمات المفتاحية:

التنفيذ الجبري، التنفيذ العيني الجبري، المنع القضائي، معالجات الاخلال العقدي، المعالجات الانصافية، انقضاء العقد بالإخلال، تأكيد العقد، انقضاء العقد بالتنفيذ، ازدراء المحكمة


يضع القاضي الانكليزي وهو يتعامل مع الاخلال العقدي في حسبانه تحقيق غاية مفادها انسجام الحل القانوني الذي سيخرج به قضاءه مع العدالة، وهذه العدالة تسمح للقاضي بالحكم بالتنفيذ الجبري لالتزام المدين العقدي اذا لم يكن التعويض كافيا لجبر الضرر المترتب على ذلك الاخلال. الا ان الشروط التي تفرضها قواعد العدالة والموانع التي تقررها امام هذا السبيل تجعل من النطاق الفني لهذه المعالجة محدودا في شقه الايجابي. ومتواضعا في شقه السلبي "المنع القضائي" . وبالرغم من دوره الاحتياطي من بين معالجات الإخلال العقدي فإن التنفيذ الجبري في القانون الانكليزي تترتب عليه اثار قانونية لها طابع متفرد وبعضها قد يجعل المدين مسؤولا وفقا للقانون العقابي.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


The Sources are in Arabic.

First: Legal Books

i. Cheshire, c. s. and Vivot, S. e. and Fermston, M. B, 1976, The Reasons for The Expiry of the Contract - Loyalty, Dismissal, Impossibility, Breach - Translated by Henry Riad, Publisher Dar Al-Jeel, Beirut.

ii. Al-Farouqi, Harith Suleiman, 2003, The Legal Dictionary, English-Arabic, Library of Lebanon, Fifth Edition.

iii. Al-Bazzaz, Abd Al-Rahman, 1967, Principles of Comparative Law, M atba't Al-Ani, Baghdad.

iv. Manhal, Dr. Ali Hussein, 2020, The Theory of Effective Breach of Contract, a Comparative Study in The Light of The Economic Analysis of The Law, Al-Markez Al_Arabi Lldrasat Walbhoth Al-ilmia.

v. Taha, Dr. Ghani Hassoun, 1971, Brief in The General Theory of Commitment, Book One, Sources of Commitment, Matba't Al-Ma'rf, Baghdad.

vi. Al-Anbaki, Dr. Majid, 2001, Principles of Contract in English Law, Baghdad, No Place of Publication.

vii. Qassem, Dr. Mohamed Hassan, 2017, Civil Law Obligations, Sources, Volume One, Contract, Dar Al_Jamea' Al-Jadeda, Alexandria.

viii. Adawy, Dr. Mustafa Abd Al-Hamid, 2008, The damage Arising From a Contractual Breach in English law, Dar Al-Nahdha Al-Arabiya, Cairo.

ix. Al-Aboudi, Dr. Nawras Abbas, and Al-Saadi, Dr. Jalil Hassan, 2022, The Defective Implementation of The Contractual Obligation "a comparative study", Al-Markez Al-Qaume Llisdarat Al-Qanoniya, Cairo, first edition.

x. Attia, Dr. Walid Khaled, 2015, The General Theory of The Duty to Reduce Damages in Contracts, a Comparative Study Between Anglo-Saxon and Civil Laws and International Sales Contracts, Manshorat Al-Halabi Al-Hoquqia, Beirut.

Second: Legal Research.

i. Al-Saadi, Dr. Jalil Hassan, 2010, The Origins of the Contract in English and Iraqi Laws, Research published in the Journal of Legal Sciences, University of Baghdad, College of Law, Volume Twenty-fifth, Issue 1.

ii. Saleh, Dr. Roaa Abdel Sattar and Al-Saadi, Prof. Dr.Jalil Hassan, and Assistant Lecturer Khalaf, Bassem Daheeb, 2018, Future Harm, Research Published in The Legal Journal, Cairo University, College of Law, issue 1.

iii. Zarzour, Assistant Lecturer Wasan Kazem, 2016, The Concept of Expected Breach of Contract and Its Legal Applications, a Comparative Study, Research Published in Risalat al-huquq Journal, University of Karbala, College of Law, eighth year, issue3.

iv. Attia, Dr. Walid Khaled, 2011, Restrictions on The Compensation For Contractual Damage in English law (a Comparative Study), Research Published in The Journal of Al-Mohaqiq Al-Hilli for Legal and Political Sciences, University of Babylon, issue 3.

v. Ali, Dr. Yunus Salah El-Din, 2017, Treatment of Damages Resulting From Civil Error in English Law, Research Published in The Journal of Law for Legal and Economic Research, Alexandria University, volume 2, issue 2.

Third : The Laws.

Iraqi Civil Law No. (40) of 1951.

Legislative Decree No. 131 of 2016 amending the French Civil Code.

The resources are in English

St: books And Journals.

i. Catherine Elliott and Frances Quinn ، 2009, Contract Law، Seventh edition، Ashford Colour Press Ltd.

ii. David Pearce and Roger Halson، Damages For Breach Of Contract: Compensation، Restitution ، And Vindication. a research published at Oxford Journal of Legal Studies، White Rose Research Online، available at:http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/3518/

iii. G.H. Treitel، 1979, An Outline Of The Law Of contract، Butterworths، 2nd Edition، London.

iv. Geoff Monahn، 2001, Essential Contract law، Cavendish Publishing (Australia) Pty Limited، 2nd edition ،Sydney.

v. George M. Cohen، 2009, The Fault That Lies Within Our Contract Law، Michigan Law Review، Volume 107 | Issue 8.

vi. Gregory E. Maggs، Comparative Contract Law American and European، Materials Prepared For the Augsburg Summer Program in European and International Economic Law، available at: http://maggs.us/gwlaw/comparative-contracts.pdf

vii. Hayk Kupelyants، Speccofic Performance in draft common Frame of reference،UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudencea a research available at; https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1470669/1/1(2)UCLJLJ15%20-%20Specific%20Performance.pdf

viii. Mary Charman، 2007, Contract Law، Willan publishing،4th edition.

ix. Richard stone، 2002, The Modern Law Of contract، Cavendish publishing limited ،5th edition، London.

x. Tareq Al-Tawil، damages for breach of contract :compensation، cost of cure and vindication، a research available at: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/AdelLawRw/2013/19.pdf

xi. THOMAS D. MUSGRAVE، 2008 – 2009, Comparative Contractual Remedies، The University of Western Australia ، Law Review، VOLUME 34.

nd: sites.

i. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coop_Insurance_Society_Ltd_v_Argyll_Stores_Holdings_Ltd

ii. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/damage

iii. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/remedy

iv. https://theblackletter.co.uk/2017/10/18/hasham-v-zenab/

v. https://www.lawteacher.net/cases/white-and-carter-v-mcgregor.php

vi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumley_v_Wagner

vii. https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100522232

viii. http://e-lawresources.co.uk/cases/Warner-Bros-v-Nelson.php

ix. https://e-lawresources.co.uk/cases/Page-One-Records-v-Britton.php

x. https://lawprof.co/contract/remedies-for-breach-cases/warren-v-mendy-1989-1-w-l-r-853/

xi. http://www.e-lawresources.co.uk/cases/Cohen-v-Roche.php

xii. https://e-lawresources.co.uk/cases/Patel-v-Ali.php

xiii. https://opencasebook.org/casebooks/628-contracts/resources/5.3.1-lumley-v-wagner-42-eng-rep-687-1852/

rd: Table Of Cases:

i. Cohen V. Roche 1927.

ii. Co-op Insurance society Ltd V. Argyll stores Holding Ltd 1997.

iii. Denne v. light 1857.

iv. Dominion Coal Co. V. Dominion Iron & steel Co. 1909.

v. E.G. Wolverhampton Corp. V. Emmons 1901.

vi. Errington v. Aynesly 1788.

vii. Falcke V. Gray 1859.

viii. Flight V. Bolland 1828.

ix. Flint V. Brandon 1803.

x. Harnett V. Yielding 1805.

xi. Hasham V. Zeneb 1960.

xii. Jeune V. Queen's Gross Properties Ltd 1974.

xiii. Lumley V.Wagner 1852.

xiv. Page One Records Ltd v Britton 1968.

xv. Patel V. Ali 1983.

xvi. Platel V. Ali 1984.

xvii. Pollard V. Clayton 1855.

xviii. Posner v. Scott-Lewis 1986.

xix. Ryan v. Mutual Tontine Association 1893.

xx. Shell U.K. Ltd V. Lostock Garage Ltd 1976.

xxi. Walters V. Morgan 1861.

xxii. Walters V. Morgan 1861.

xxiii. Warner Bros Pictures Inc. V. Nelson 1937.

xxiv. Warren v Mendy 1989.

xxv. White & Carter (Councils) Ltd v McGregor 1962.




كيفية الاقتباس

العبُّودي نورس. 2022. "خصوصية التنفيذ الجبري في القانون الانكليزي". مجلة العلوم القانونية 37 (1): 296-336. https://doi.org/10.35246/jols.v37i1.458.

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