النطاق المكاني للعمليات الحربية في النزاعات المسلحة الدولية
العمليات الحربية, النزاعات المسلحةAbstract
This research entitled "Spatial Scale of The Military Operations in International Armed Conflicts". Armed conflict, whether international or non-international is a non-fixed term or spatial scale, when armed conflict brakes out it would be impossible to predict the expansion of combat operations by land, sea and air, but each party to armed conflict has the obligation to ensure respect for international humanitarian law in this regard. This research is limited to the study of rules of international humanitarian law for determining the spatial scale for each theater of war or armed conflict and aims to determine the scope of military operations in respect of armed forces, means and methods of warfare used in it, to clarify the concept of military operations on land, sea and air, as well as cyberspace which emerged as a virtual scale where the electronic combat operations exercised.
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ثالثاً: الكتب باللغة الانجليزية
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2. Michael N. Schmitt, Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
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