Remedies breach content of contract Study in French law according to the Decree 131-2016 and the preliminary draft amendment to the Civil Liability Act of 2017


  • جليل حسن الساعدي, أ.د. University of Baghdad / College of Law
  • منى نعيم جعاز Al Nisour University College



Content of contract, Weak enforcement, Damages


The Contracts must be executed according to their content. Therefore, the parties must fulfill their obligations as stipulated in the contract content. If one of them Do not execute his obligations, his contractual responsibility is to breach the contractual content of his contract.

This principle does not differ in law, but the difference lies in what is wrong or not, as well as different ways to address this breach.

The breach is not limited to the failure of the parties to fulfill the obligations under the contract, but the description of the breach applies to the cases of non-implementation of obligations not mentioned in the contract - secondary obligations - and the liability is also contractual, by virtue of charging the legislator one of the parties to the contract some obligations on the occasion of the original contract, Or as a result of the nature of the contract or as required by the principle of good faith not only the liability of the debtor for the obligations mentioned in the contract, but be responsible for what is the requirements of the contract.

The French legislator has decided on a set of options for the creditor, which, at the same time, is a penalty for the contractor who violates his contractual obligations, as justice requires that anyone harmed by the act should compensate for the damage caused.


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اولاً : الكتب المترجمة

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ثانياً : الكتب باللغة الفرنسية
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ثالثاً : القوانين ومشروعات اصلاح القوانين باللغة الفرنسية
I. Code civil des Français _ Code Napoléon 1804
II. Code de procédure civile Version consolidée au 1 janvier 2018
III. L’avant-projet prévoit l’opposabilité « aux victimes d’un préjudice par ricochet » de la faute ou de l’inexécution contractuelle de la « victime directe » (art. 1256). C’est là une réaffirmation implicite mais suffisante du caractère réparable du dommage par ricochet
IV. Jorf N°0035 du 11 février 2016 texte N° 25 : Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2016-131 du 10 février 2016
V. Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2016-131 du 10 février 2016
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IX. Projet d'oronnance N 2008-1-199 , La réforme du droit des contrats, du régime général et de la preuve des obligations-Ministère de la justice




How to Cite

الساعدي جليل حسن, and جعاز منى نعيم. 2019. “Remedies Breach Content of Contract Study in French Law According to the Decree 131-2016 and the Preliminary Draft Amendment to the Civil Liability Act of 2017”. Journal of Legal Sciences 34 (5): 30-58.

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